Study efficiency 

The study efficiency is the ratio between the number of credits passed and the number of credits taken. This percentage forms the basis of our study progress rules and determines your further study career. It is therefore important that you calculate your study efficiency after each examination period, monitor it and try to increase it if necessary.

You can calculate your study efficiency using this formula:

(number of credits passed/number of credits taken) X 100


  • If you passed 42 credits after the second examination period, while you had taken 60 credits , you achieved a study efficiency of (42/60)X100 = 70%. 
  • If you passed for 6 credits after the first semester, while you had taken 30 credits in the first semester, you achieved a study efficiency of (6/30)X100 = 20%.

Ground rules study progress

At VUB, we expect students to maintain a certain study progress. There are 5 ground rules for students who don't have binding conditions:

Summary study progress rules 

Ground rule 1

You must obtain at least 60% of the credits you register each academic year. Tolerated fails don't count in the 60% calculation. 

Example: If you registered 60 credits in this academic year, you must pass at least 36 credits by the end of this academic year. If you don't meet this, binding conditions will be imposed.

Ground rule 2

You must pass or be deliberated (tolerated fail) for each course after 2 registrations (usually 4 examination opportunities). This rule takes effect from academic year 2023-2024 , but please note that examination opportunities you have already taken before 2023-2024 will be taken into account. 
Example: If you re-enroll in a course in 2023-2024 for which you did not pass in 2022-2023, then you are now registering for exam opportunities 3 (and 4) and you must therefore pass this course after the second exam period. If you don't meet this, binding conditions will be imposed.

Ground rule 3

You must make study progress each academic year and pass at least for one course. Your study efficiency must therefore be higher than 0%

Ground rule 4

You must pass at least 30% of the total number of credits you have registered when you enroll in a bachelor programme for the first time. Tolerated fails don't count in the 30% calculation. 
Example: you start in a bachelor year 1 and you registered 60 credits. Then you must pass at least 18 credits after the second exam period. 

=> You don't meet ground rules 3 and 4?

Your re-enrolment for the same programme will be refused at VUB
Ground rule 5

Ground rule 5 applies to students who were already following a programme and who want to change studies or university. It is important to know whether your new programme belongs to the same study field as your previous one.

Contact your study path counselor to check which programmes belong to the same study field

Does your Bachelor's programme NOT belong to THE SAME study field as the one you took previously?

In that case, you will start your new study programme without any binding conditions. Be sure to check the ground rules 1 to 4 above. If you start in a new bachelor's programme, you will start in threshold year 1.

Does your Bachelor's programme belong to THE SAME study field as the one you took previously?

Check all info down below.

Programme belongs to the same study field

You want to start in a programme that does belong to the same field of study as the one you took previously. 
Depending on whether you come from another university or are already a VUB student, different rules apply.

You come from a different university

  • Did you achieve less than 60% study efficiency and start in threshold year 2 at VUB?

For example: you started the Law programme at KUL in 2023-2024 and want to start the Law programme at VUB in 2024-2025. Both programmes belong to the same field of study and have the same threshold.

=>  You will start in your second threshold year and will be imposed binding conditions. You must then pass the first VUB bachelor's subjects in your second threshold year, as well as achieve at least a 75% study efficiency rate on the total number of credits taken. Read more about the threshold system.

  • Did you achieve less than 60% study efficiency and start in threshold year 1 at VUB?

For example: You started the programme Communication Studies at UGent in 2023-2024 and want to start the Political Sciences and Sociology programme at VUB in 2024-2025. Even though both programmes belong to the same study field, these courses don't have the same threshold. 

=> You will be imposed binding conditions. You must then achieve at least a 75% study efficiency rate on the total number of credits taken. Read more about the threshold system

  • Did you achieve less than 60% study efficiency and are you not subject to the threshold or have you already achieved the threshold?

For example: You started the TEW programme at KUL in 2022-2023 (or earlier) and want to start the TEW programme at VUB in 2024-2025. Both programmes belong to the same field of study, but as the programme was started before 2023-2024, there is no threshold for you in this programme.

=> You will be imposed binding conditions. You must then achieve at least a 75% study efficiency rate on the total number of credits taken.

You're a VUB student

  • Did you receive the proclamation code Re-enrollment Not Allowed for a program at the VUB that is within the same study field? 

=> You will immediately be imposed binding conditions at the start of your new programme. When you first enrol in the new programme, you must then obtain at least 75% of the credits and pass the courses that you take for a third time (or more).

For bachelor programme's, this means that you will start in threshold year 1 in your new programme. Check all information about the threshold system.

Good to know

  • Whether you received binding conditions or a refusal for re-enrollment, you can read from the proclamation code on your transcript of records 
  • In case you have resits, your official study progress is calculated after the retake examination session. If you did not achieve the required study progress after the first examination sessions in January or June, you still have a chance to catch up on your study progress during the retake examination session.
  • If you are enrolled in 2 programs (e.g. combining bachelor or preparatory courses with master courses), your study progress is calculated separately for each program.
  • The study progress regulations do not apply to master-after-master programmes or postgraduate programmes, unless stated otherwise in the supplementary faculty education and examination regulations.

The information on this page summarizes the Teaching and Examination regulations of the VUB. Faculties can have additions to these central regulations. You can find them in the supplementary faculty teaching and examination regulations.

Extra rules for students enrolling in a new bachelor's programme

There are some extra rules for students enrolling in a new bachelor's programme:


Course load

Students starting in the first year of a bachelor’s programme will be registered for the entire standard study track of the first year (= all first year courses). This usually consists of 60 ECTS credits. 

Exceptions to this new regulation are:

  • Students with a special status (disability, top sport, working students...)
  • Students who have already obtained a bachelor's or master's degree
  • Students studying in exceptional circumstances

A reduced course load can be requested by students in this situation. 


Students starting in the first bachelor or in a shortened bachelor's programme must have passed all the courses they took in that bachelor's programme after two academic years. Students who do not reach this threshold will be refused to continue this particular programme at all Flemish universities.
This rule applies to all generation students (students enrolling for the first time in higher education in Flanders), as well as students who started in a new bachelor's or shortened bachelor's from academic year 23-24.

Do you want more information about the threshold? Are exceptions possible? Who exactly does this threshold apply to?

Check all information about the threshold

Study progress of at least 30%

From students who have started in a new bachelor programme, we expect a study efficiency of at least 30% after the second term. Students who don't meet this study efficiency after the second term will be refused re-enrolment for this programme at VUB after their first year.

Reflection tool by Study Guidance

Your results are an indicator of your chances of obtaining your diploma. The VUB expects you to calculate your study efficiency and to complete the reflection toolafter the exams. Based on your situation and approach during the past semester, you will receive advice on how to optimize your study efficiency and well-being.

Complete the reflection tool here

You can switch the language to English in the top right corner.

Questions or in need of more guidance? Contact Study Guidance.

Binding conditions

Whether you received binding conditions can be read from the proclamation code on your transcript of records. Also make sure to check the ground rules for study progress first.

You did not achieve a study efficiency of at least 60%

Proclamation code: Binding Conditions 1

This means that upon re-enrollment in the same programme, you must pass at least 75% of the registered credits. In this calculation, tolerated fails do count. 
Example: If you have binding conditions and register for 48 credits, you must have passed for at least 36 credits by the end of the academic year. 

Note! If there are courses you have to retake for the third time or more (exam opportunities 5 and 6 or more), you have to enroll for these and pass them (or get a tolerated fail) to meet your binding conditions.  

You did achieve a study efficiency of at least 60%, but didn't pass one or more courses after 2 registrations (usually 4 examination opportunities)

Proclamation code: Binding Conditions 3

Then you have to enroll for and pass these courses (or get a tolerated fail) to meet your binding conditions. In this case you don't need to pass at least 75% of the amount of ECTS credits you enrolled for within the same programme. 

Note! TThis rule applies from academic year 2023-2024 so these type of binding conditions will be applied for the first time at the end of the 2nd exam session (resits) in September 2024.

Consequences study path

When you have binding conditions, the bar is raised higher than it normally is. Even more than usual, it's essential to compose your study path in such a way that it is attainable. Bachelor students with proclamation code 'Binding Conditions 1' are limited to register for a maximum of 60 ECTS credits. 

The study path counsellors have collected several tips on how to compose an individual study path.

Foreign students with a residence permit

Students who require extra time to finish a study programme need to submit proof of study progress in order to renew their Belgian residence permit (ID card). For more info please contact the International Office.

Didn't meet them?

What if I cannot meet the binding conditions?

If you haven't met your binding conditions by the end of the academic year, your re-enrolment for the same study programme will be refused. Read more on what such a refusal entails

Did exceptional circumstances keep you from meeting the binding conditions? In that case you can submit a substantiated file to the chairman of the examination board before the deliberations take place. More information on exceptional circumstances

Re-enrolment not allowed

On your transcript of records you received the following proclamation code: 'Enrolment not allowed'. Unfortunately, this means that you cannot re-enrol in this study programme at the VUB. This decision is binding and remains valid. It does not automatically expire after a number of academic years. You cannot simply re-enrol in this programme.

Note! If you are subject to the treshold and do not meet it after two academic years, you will be refused re-enrolment in the same programme at all Flemish universities.

This is no fun news and can be difficult to deal with. If you would like some more information on the refusal to re-enrol, you can participate in one of the online info sessions organised by Study Guidance on this subject.  You can also surf to the Moodspace platform or read the infographic. Infographic Moodspace

If you need information about the appeal procedure, going to the Meeting Point is unnecessary. You can find everything about the procedure on this webpage.

Re-enrolment not allowed, what's next?

New programme

Maybe you've considered another study programme before? Then go find out more about this programme and check if this is feasible for you. You can follow another programme at the VUB if you have a positive learning account. You can also enquire at another educational institution. Read these tips if you already have an idea about which other study programme you would like to start.

You know you want to study something else but you have no idea what yet? It is not easy to have to make a new choice, but you do not have to do this alone. Study guidance will gladly help you further. Be sure to read the information and assistance here. An overview of English-taught programmes in Flanders can be found on this website. The page itself is in Dutch.

You want to enrol for a new programme at VUB that is within the same field of study? Then binding conditions will be imposed immediately at the start of your new programme. You must then obtain at least 75% of the credits you registered for during your first year of enrolment and pass the courses you are taking up for a third time (or more). More info here.

Convinced of the programme?

First have a look at your transcript of records to check whether the refusal (re-enrolment not allowed) is a VUB study progress measure or a consequence of not achieving your threshold (in the bachelor's only).

The refusal is a VUB study progress measure

The proclamation code issued by the examination board regarding this programme only applies to the same programme at VUB. Therefore, you can check whether there are other educational institutions offering the same course.In that case you cannot continue the programme at any of the Flemish universities.

Attention: it is possible that some educational institutions will refuse your enrolment because you are no longer admitted to this programme at VUB or that they impose binding conditions from the start. We advise you to communicate openly about your refusal to avoid unpleasant surprises. 

After a period of at least two academic years following the refusal, you may submit a written, reasoned file to the examination board to request permission to restart the programme (see Teaching and Examination Regulations 24-25 Article 88 Β§12). In this file, you motivate why you wish to restart the programme and in which way the circumstances have changed/ in which way you could now successfully complete the programme. You send this request to your faculty secretariat. The examination board will decide whether or not you will be allowed to re-enrol. They may also impose binding conditions.

The refusal is a treshold measure: you did not pass your threshold

In this case, you cannot continue the programme for which you received a refusal, either at VUB or at any other Flemish university. After a period of six academic years or after obtaining a different higher education diploma, you can restart the programme. 

Stop studying

If you need some time for yourself or want to start working, you can (temporarily) stop your studies. 

Lodge an appeal

Lodge an appeal

You do not agree with the study progress decision made by the Examination board or you think that your rights have been violated? Then you can lodge an appeal.

Appeal procedure

International students

The proclamation code "Re-enrollment not allowed" holds implications for the residency status of international students in Belgium. Please contact your municipality to determine the consequences for your residence permit. For further questions you can also reach out to the International Relations office.

Exceptional circumstances

Does your study efficiency not meet the expectation or do you have not obtained credit (or an allowable fail) for all courses in your threshold package within the two academic years or do you have not obtained credit (or an allowable fail) for a course for which you received binding conditions due to exceptional circumstances? In that case you can submit a substantiated file to the chairman of the Examination Board by email to your faculty secretariat before the deliberations take place. The substantiated file has to contain at least a factual description of the exceptional circumstances, together with supporting documents, if possible. You can use this template and checklist. This file contains:

  • concrete, factual description of your exceptional circumstances, with proof.
  • Proof that these exceptional circumstances have prevented you from making the required study progress and/or that you were unable to obtain credit for a specific course. There has to be link with your study path.
  • Proof that these exceptional circumstances are not the result of your own actions or choices.
It is not about:
  • Situations where there is no direct link with you study path.
  • Allegations without proof.
It is about:
  • For example: Long term hospital stay with a clear impact on your study progress.
  • For example: Long term illness of the student of a family member with impact on the study path.
  • For example: The death of a family member during or right before the exam period.

The file must be submitted to your faculty secretariat at the latest 10 calendar days before the deliberations of the second exam session (resits).

Apart from your grades, the Examination Board will take this file into account when making a decision on your study progress and/or treshold decision. However, they can still decide not to allow you to re-enrol and/or to proclaim the threshold as not met.

After the Examination Board has convened, you will find their decision in the form of the proclamation code on your transcript of records. You need to download this transcript of records in your Selfservice. The proclamation code is the only official result.