VUB International Relations office will be moving to the Braem building!

The VUB International Relations office has moved to the Braem building. It will inevitably mean changes are under way. For our colleagues, it means you can no longer ‘just pop in’ to see us, per the rules of the Braem building, you will need to make an appointment with whomever you want to meet from the International Relations office, and you will then need to come to the lobby downstairs, announce your arrival there, and your contact from the International Relations office will come down to take you to our new office space on the 3rd floor.

What does this mean for you, as a VUB international (exchange) student or as a local student needing to contact us? Read on what will change or how our office move will impact you:

->International students who need information on administration related to visa, town hall registration, taxes, blocked account, banking, SIP, residence permit renewal, healthcare: you will find most information on our webpage. Should you still need to speak with someone then there are two options for you:

  1. Go online to the Digital Welcome Desk (TEAMS), where you will be admitted into a digital lobby and you'll need to wait your turn until someone deals with your case.
  • When? ONLY on Monday (9.30-12.30), Wednesday (9.30-12.30) and Friday (9.30-12.30)
  • How? Via this link (TEAMS)
  1. In person still at Pleinlaan 5, ground floor until further notice.
  • When? ONLY on Tuesday and Thursday (10.00-12.30 & 13.30-16.00) until further notice. Note that our office will be closed over the Easter break (7 April-21 April)

     Our contact details: on how to contact the various teams of the VUB International Relation office.

-> International students who need to meet in person with a PARTENA representative (healthcare insurance):

  • When? Tuesday and Thursday (10.00-12.30 & 13.30-16.00)
  • Where? Pleinlaan 5, ground floor UNTIL further notice. Note that our office will be closed over the Easter break (7 April-21 April)

->Exchange students: for the moment, please email or phone the exchange incoming/outgoing mobility team at the VUB International Relations office. (tel: + 32 (0)476 630878 / (tel: +32 (0)476 630931). Once a set-up has been defined to deal with document hand-overs and in-person meetings, we will update the information. 

Welcome to Belgium, Brussels, VUB!

Please find below an overview of the administrative steps International students must comply with. The info is divided in 3 sections: before arrival, upon arrival and staying in Belgium. We provide info on visa administration, proving financial means, blocked account procedure, housing, banking, taxes, town hall administration, health insurance, renewing your residence permit and orientation year. Make sure to check all the different tabs per section, they might hold useful info! 

Before arrival


You can find relevant information on how to obtain a visa via the links listed below. The procedures for obtaining a visa can vary depending on your nationality, duration of the stay and reason for the stay. Want to find out more about how to apply for a visa? Watch our info video here!

Where can I apply for a visa? You can find the competent diplomatic post of your country here.

Providing a proof of sufficient financial means is one of the conditions to obtain a visa. You can find an overview of the average study costs and living expenses in Belgium here.

Before arrival

Financial means

When applying for a student visa or residence permit (ID card), students need to prove that they have sufficient financial means to cover their living expenses, studies, healthcare and repatriation costs. There are several ways to prove this:

  • Via a guarantor (=Annex 32 procedure). The guarantor declares to cover the study and living costs from the student during the period of the studies.
  • By providing a scholarship certificate. For the 2025-2026 academic year, a minimum amount of €835 per month applies.
  • Opening a blocked account at VUB

You can choose a different option to prolong your residence card each academic year. Want to find out more about the blocked account? check the next tab.

Before arrival

Blocked Account

We provide with help and advise on how to open a blocked account. The blocked account procedure is also open for students applying to an orientation year. Want to find out more on how to open a blocked account? Watch our info video here!

Students with a blocked account are obliged to register for the SIP (=student insurance programme) insurance. This insurance comes on top of the mandatory basic health insurance (E.g. Partena, CM, Solidaris, …) This basic health insurance will reimburse you partially for your medical costs, SIP will reimburse you the remaining part and also covers repatriation.  Online info on SIP insurance.

Students who remain in Belgium for 6 months or less will have to register for SIP integral. The price is ca. € 39/month. Students who stay longer than 6 months will have to register for SIP complementary (on top of their basic health insurance). The price is ca. € 24/month.

Before arrival


Are you looking for student housing? Rent a room on a VUB campus or pick one of the 10,000 student residences offered by private owners. You can apply with Brik, or one of the other VUB housing partners to find a suitable student room .

Erasmus students embarking on a 1 semester exchange towards VUB are notified on housing options at U Residence; in June for the Fall semester, in December for the Spring semester. 

Want to find out more on how to look for a student room? Watch our info video here!

Some websites that offer rooms in Brussels

MyKot | Find a student room in Brussels (main partner of VUB – you need to create a log in)

Most of the rooms in Brussels are rented out by private owners. You can find a large amount of privately owned rooms on the online room finder MyKot. Found an interesting room? Contact the landlord for more information and a visit. The contract and practical matters are arranged between the student and the landlord. (only for students who already in Belgium and have a Belgian residence permit)

Renting as SVKS? You are looking for a room, but struggling financially? Speak to the Sociaal Verhuurkantoor voor Studenten (SVKS – it translates as ‘Social Renting Office for Students’ in English). It’s an organisation that helps students with low incomes. It lets student rooms to them at reduced prices. Get into contact to see if you’re eligible (website in Dutch and French only, but you can write/call them in English).

Other websites (be aware of potential scams!)

Site to rent Apartment-Flats & Rooms short/long term | Spotahome

Non-EEA mobility with EU residence permit

The procedure described below applies to exchange students from outside the EU / EEA and Switzerland who study and reside in another EU member state and who are in the possession of a residence permit from that member state (not Belgium) valid for the entire period of their mobility to Belgium.

Non-EEA mobility with EU residence permit

Exchange students with a valid residence permit from another EU member state (not Belgium) can, on the basis of said document, carry out their mobility or exchange in Belgium for a period less than 90 days. Registration in the Mobility Online flow to notify the mobility of the student is mandatory for all incoming exchange students.

Non-EEA mobility with EU residence permit

Exchange students who have an EU residence permit from another member state (not Belgium), issued on the ground of studies, which is valid for the entire period of their mobility to Belgium will need to obtain the  “standard form annex 3” instead of a visa. If you have an EU residence permit issued on other grounds, please contact

Students are obliged to obtain this document before their arrival to Belgium, and they will have to present it to the Town Hall in Belgium where they will be residing during their stay, for registration of their arrival. Registration in the Mobility Online flow to notify the mobility of the student is mandatory for all incoming exchange students.

Timeline of the processing of your file

Your complete file needs to be sent to the VUB at the very latest 60 days before the beginning of your exchange. We recommend that you send all documents as soon as possible. Please note that the university is not responsible for the applicant’s late or incomplete submissions.  

Please note that the university needs to send your complete file to the Immigration Office. From the moment the file is received by the Immigration Office, their process can take up to 30 days. You cannot travel to Belgium before receiving the green light of the Immigration Office.

How can you request an Annex 3 (Immigration Notification Procedure)?

Make sure to have indicated in your Mobility Online if you have a scholarship of at least 803 EUR.

1.You do not have a scholarship of at least 803 EUR per month

You need to apply for a blocked account. This is needed as a proof of sufficient means of subsistence (solvency) during the period of mobility. You will need to create a separate application for this.
The following documents are needed in either English, French or Dutch:

2.You have a scholarship of at least 803 EUR

Please upload the following documents in either English, French or Dutch in the Mobility flow of your exchange:

  • A valid international passport or other equivalently valid travel document (if not already uploaded)
  • A valid residence permit, covering the total period of mobility issued by the First EU member state in compliance with Directive (EU) 2016/801.
  • Proof of health insurance covering the student during the period of mobility in Belgium. You can upload your preferred insurance or use SIP insurance (if not already uploaded)
  • Proof of sufficient means of subsistence through your scholarship contract.

Non-EEA mobility with EU residence permit

Please note that the annex 3 procedure needs to be repeated to formalise your extended exchange. All documents submitted need to cover the whole period until the end of your extended exchange.

Upon arrival

Town hall registration

All international students with a long stay in Belgium must register at the town hall of the city they stay in. Need more info on town hall registration? Watch our info video! You can find out which town hall is yours based on the postal code (zip code) via this link


Obtaining a Belgian residence permit / id-card 

According to Belgian law you must register within 8 days after your arrival. This will not always be possible since a lot of the municipalities work with appointments. Our advice is to contact the municipality within the 1st 8 days after arrival in Belgium to make an appointment. Only if you have already found permanent housing! 

In Google, you can search the website of your municipality with “gemeente + name of the municipality” (for municipalities in Flanders & Brussels) or with “commune + name of the municipality” (for municipalities in Wallonia & Brussels). Be aware that not all the websites will have an English version since English is not an official language in Belgium. 

You will need at least the following documents when you present yourself at the local town hall/municipality: 

  • Rental contract 
  • National ID/Passport with type D visa 
  • Standard form 1” proof of registration in a higher educational institute, issued by the Student Administration department. Sent to students via
  • Proof of Solvability (scholarship, blocked account, guarantor (annex 32)) 

Sometimes also: birth certificate, civil status certificate, or certificate of good conduct, ...

This appointment is the 1st step towards receiving your Belgian residence permit. Upon declaring the necessary documents, you will receive a document called “annex 15”. A visit from the local police to check if you really reside at the address you have provided will follow. Please make sure your name is clearly visible on the mailbox and doorbell!

Once the police confirm your address, you will receive an invitation from the municipality to collect your Belgian ID card. The documents you will have to take with you will be indicated on this invitation. 

This whole process can take between 2 to 6 months. 

Upon arrival

Health insurance

A valid health insurance is compulsory when residing in Belgium. VUB has a partnership with Helan/Partena health insurance broker (= private company). You can find an overview of what this includes online. You can meet a representative from Helan/Partena at the International Relations office (Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels) on Tuesdays and Thursdays during our opening hours (10h00 - 12h30 & 13h30 - 16h00). 

You are free to choose the provider of your choice, below a list of other providers. You will have to pay the cost for the basic health insurance yourself. All basic health insurances reimburse 60 – 75 % of generic medical costs, certain aspects are not covered, please check with the provider of your choice to find out more. Please start your registration for basic health insurance as soon as possible. Don’t wait until you receive your Belgian residence permit or household composition document!

Want more info on health insurance in Belgium? Watch our info video!


Helan/Partena has an agreement with following countries: 

Albania (AL-BE 111) Algeria (Alg-BE 111)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH-BE 111) North-Macedonia (RM-BE 111)
Morocco (MAR-BE 111) Montenegro (MNE-BE 111)
Serbia (SRB-BE 111) Tunisia (TN-BE 111)
Turkey (TR - BE 111) Quebec (QUE-BE 128)
Great Britain (GHIC) Australia (Medicare)

Between brackets you will find the name of the document the student’s local health insurance broker has to provide him/her to remain covered during his/her stay in Belgium. 

Upon arrival

Student Insurance Programme

Students with a blocked account are contractually obliged to register for SIP insurance. This insurance comes on top of the basic health insurance like Partena, CM, Solidaris,… 

The basic health insurance will reimburse you 60 – 75 % of your medical costs. SIP complementary insurance will reimburse you the remaining 40 - 25% and covers repatriation to the home country when needed. You can find more information about SIP here:

Students who stay here for 6 months or less will have to register for SIP integral (= basic health insurance + SIP complementary). The price is around € 38,5/month. 

Students who stay here for a full academic year (13 months) will have to register for SIP complementary (on top of the basic health insurance). The price is around € 24/month or € 303 for 13 months. This cost will be deducted from your 1st blocked account installment. 

You can find additional information here 

Upon arrival

Opening a Belgium bank account / Taxes


International students with a long stay in Belgium are advised to open an IBAN account. Visitors can choose any bank they prefer to open their account. Please note that several documents are necessary to open an account: A Belgian/valid residence permit, a rent contract, a proof of registration in the university, ... Documents may differ depending on the choice of bank, nationality and type of account (online or regular).

Some online banks that are frequently used by international students: N26, Wise, Revolut, Bunq or Monese. The IBAN accounts from these banks are all part of the SEPA-zone and are accepted for the purpose of transferring the monthly installments of the blocked account.

Staying in Belgium

Renewal residence permit

Extension of residence permit is the discretionary power of decision of the Immigration department. By law, applications for extension of residence permits should be submitted to the town hall after making an appointment preferably one month and at latest 14 days before the residence permit expires

The below documents are required:

  • Passport
  • Current ID card
  • Standard form 1” proof of registration in a higher educational institute, issued by the Student Administration department
  • "Standard form 2" certificate of study progress -> Sent to students by the student administration department via please check your spam folder. 
  • Proof of sufficient financial means
  • Proof of a Health Insurance subscription
  • ...

This is a non-exhaustive list of documents. Please check with your local town hall which documents they require.

Staying in Belgium

Study progress

When extra time is necessary in order to finish a two (MA) or three (BA) year programme, students need to submit proof they obtained at least a minimum amount of credits via declaring the annex 2 (study progress certificate) to the town hall.  The Immigration Office may terminate the residency authorisation of a student or refuse a submitted application for renewal of such authorisation if the student, taking into account their results, extends their studies abusively. More detailed information on what is considered an abusive extension.

Minimum amount of credits obtained    



After 2 years



After 3 years



After 4 years




Staying in Belgium

EU students

Following a study programme needs to be your main activity. This means you need to have a normal class schedule. A few hours of classes each week is not sufficient. Fulltime evening classes are accepted.

Third country nationals

You need to register fulltime in a, by the Flemmish or French community, recognized higher education institution and this for a minimum of 54 credits (ECTS).

Educational programmes that don't offer a fulltime schedule are not accepted, unless the programme meets the below criteria:

  • You are following your last year of the educational programme and only have a limited amount of credits left
  • For reasons outside of your own will you cannot register for a higher amount of credits
  • The programme is part of a preparatory programme that leads towards a fulltime programme at a recognized higher educational institutions and consists of at least 12hrs of classes per week  

Staying in Belgium

International students with a long stay are required to fill in a tax return form each year.  An online instruction video on how to fill in a simple tax return (no taxable income, single student).

Leaving Belgium

The de-registration process applies to non-Belgian nationals with a valid Belgian residence card who intend to leave the country permanently. This process effectively de-registers you from the registry of the population and invalidates your residence card.

You should return your residence permit to the town hall prior to departure to receive a ‘Model 8’ form confirming that you have de-registered. The customs authorities may ask to see this document when you leave Belgium. If you do not return your residence permit to the town hall prior to departure, you need to write to the town hall (enclosing a copy of your residence permit) and ask to be deregistered. Make sure that you inform the town hall of your new address and your permanent address in your home country.

Leaving Belgium

Do not forget to terminate your affiliation to the mutuality with which you were registered. They would need the “model 8” to close your affiliation. If you have any additional health insurance plans and coverage, please contact the provider to know what the conditions for termination are.

Leaving Belgium

Make sure that you give notice of your intention to leave your apartment well in time. In Belgium, notice must generally be given by registered letter 3 months before the expected departure date or to the end of the rental contract. It is essential to inform the landlord of your intention to leave the apartment even if you have a 1-year rental contract. If you do not do so, your contract may be automatically renewed for another year.

Check the state of your room together with your landlord and inform yourself (via the rent contract) on how and when you get your warranty back.

Leaving Belgium

Before departure you might want to close your (online) bank account. Note that closing a bank account does not just mean bringing your balance to zero. You will have to make an appointment and sign for the closure of your account. Please check all transfers and payments and settle all invoices before closing your account.

Leaving Belgium

Make sure to cancel any other subscriptions you might have. Think of sports club (fitness, ...), magazines, phone bill, water/electricity, internet, ...

Professional Orientation Year

Students who recently graduated are eligible for a stay of 12 months to search for a job in Belgium or to carry out an independent professional activity.

  • You are a non-EEA student in the possession of a residence permit
  • You are a non-EEA student  who obtained a graduate, bachelor or master degree or doctorate at a Belgian institution of higher education in the past academic year.
  • You are a non-EEA student who obtained a diploma in another EU member state  but studied in Belgium as part of a mobility programme (e.g. Erasmus Mundus)

Professional Orientation year

During the orientation year, you must:

  •  Actively look for a position that allows for the application of a combined permit as an employee; or
  • Take the necessary steps to comply with all legal obligations to exercise an independent professional activity, whether as a natural person, within a juridical person (= legal entity such as a corporation, NGO,…) or within any other organisation without legal status.
  • If it appears that you no longer meet the conditions set for your residence, and there is no reasonable chance of being recruited by an employer or of starting up a company, the Immigration Department may terminate the temporary residence permit.
  • During the ‘orientation year', you are given unlimited access to the labour market and you can work legally for the duration of the orientation year.

Professional Orientation Year

The application must be submitted to the municipal administration where you have your main residence, no later than preferable 1 month and at latest 15 days before the expiry of the residence permit.

You must at least submit the following documents with the application:

  • A valid passport:
  • Proof that you have obtained a recognised diploma at a Higher Education Institution
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of sufficient financial means

If the application for an orientation year is approved by the Immigration Office, you will receive a temporary residence permit. This residence permit (A card) is valid for a maximum of 12 months and cannot be extended.

Professional Orientation Year

If you obtained your diploma at a foreign institution of higher education, but you were in Belgium via a mobility exchange programme (e.g. Erasmus Mundus programme), you can submit an application to the competent Belgian diplomatic or consular post in the country where you currently reside. The application must be submitted within 3 months after obtaining the diploma.

You must at least submit the following documents:

  • A valid passport:
  • Proof that you have obtained a recognised diploma at a Higher Education Institution
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of sufficient financial means

Professional Orientation Year

A proof of solvency is necessary to apply for the orientation year. One of the options for a proof of solvency is a blocked account with the higher education institution where you've graduated. As an alternative to the blocked account you can also opt for a guarantor or Annex 32 procedure.You can find more information about both procedures here.

Professional Orientation Year

As the information on the website of the Belgian immigration office is only available in Dutch and French so far, Study In Flanders provides you with the general rules and conditions via their website In English.

International Relations Office

International Relations Office
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
More info