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Mission and vision

The Research Council or OZR is an academic advisory committee that leads the work of the research sector at VUB. The main mission of this council is to formulate policy advice and determine a long-term vision for scientific research at VUB. In addition, the OZR monitors the quality of research, steers funding, and stimulates new research initiatives.


The OZR consists of a representative number of members of the independent academic staff. For the selection of members, the faculties each nominate 3 or 4 full members and 2 or 3 deputies. They must meet the performance indicators in the ZAP competence profiles (quality requirement) and no more than two-thirds of the appointees may be of the same sex, including the Vice-Rector (gender balance). Based on these criteria, the Vice-Rector for Research Policy proposes two effective members and two deputies per faculty to the Academic Council.

Zakenvrouw leidt bedrijfsbijeenkomst met diverse collega's

Liesbeth Lemmens

Head of Department Secretary Research Council R&D Secretary Research Council