VUB TechTransfer
VUB builds on its relationships with industry and society. The multidisciplinary team of VUB TechTransfer facilitates the implementation of promising technologies and knowledge developed at VUB in industry and society. In this way, scientific exploration and discovery also lead to invention and development.

Science Shop
Could your non-profit organisation do with a little help? The Science Shop offers free scientific support to non-profit organisations in the form of research, carried out by students as part of a project or thesis. They work closely with the organisation and are supervised by an experienced researcher.
Register your organisation and research question, and we will contact you to discuss your request. The website is only available in Dutch.
Set up a chair
A chair is a partnership between VUB and a company or private individual. The chair holder is a professor at VUB who, with funding from the partner, can organise innovation, research, education and/or internationalisation around a socially relevant topic. The results of the research are at the service of society.