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VUB Main Campus

The green VUB Main Campus is located near Etterbeek train station en is our largest campus. This is where our non-medical training courses take place. The campus is equipped with all necessary student facilities such as student rooms, a restaurant and sports infrastructure.

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VUB Health Campus

The VUB Health Campus is located in Jette beside the VUB hospital, UZ Brussels. Here you will find not only the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, but part of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy. The campus offers facilities for students and researchers.

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VUB Photonics Campus Gooik

The VUB Photonics Campus in Gooik opened its doors in 2013 and as of 2018 has a total area of 3000m2. The campus houses the Photonics Research and Innovation Centre of the Brussels Photonics B-PHOT research group.

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Campus Coovi Anderlecht

Campus Coovi Anderlecht is one of the 3 campuses where you can follow an abridged educational master's programme. The campus is known for its modern buildings and is near the COOVI metro station and the Brussels ring road. The training courses we provide are organised in the form of blended learning.

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VUB Usquare campus

The VUB Usquare Campus is a unique project in Brussels. In collaboration with ULB and a host of partners, we are transforming a military complex a stone's throw from the VUB Main Campus and the ULB campus into an open living space that is ready for the future.

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VUB Brussels City Campus

Brussels as a dream lab for (future) scientists and an ideal place for students to learn. Through the initiative VUB Brussels City Campus, we connect students with the capital. 

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