Kinderdagverblijf VUB Health Campus Jette


The VUB daycare centre in Jette is located on the VUB Health Campus. You can find us at 'Kindercampus Theodoor'.

Opening hours

We are open on weekdays from 6:30 AM to 7:00 PM and on request until 10:00 PM.

Closing days

We do not have a fixed annual shutdown. Closures for bridge and training days are communicated well ahead of time.

Daycare centre Jette

Jette nursery
Laarbeeklaan 117 bus 2
1090 Jette
More info

We've moved!

The daycare is located at 'Kindercampus Theodoor'. This is the large terracotta-colored building located 'downstairs on VUB Health Campus' between Basic Fit and Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts.


We can accommodate up to 109 children daily at the daycare centre in Jette.


In Jette, we have 6 baby groups. Each baby group is attached to a fixed toddler group, together they form a "tandem group".

Babygroep in het kinderdagverblijf op VUB Health campus Jette

Baby group


Toddlers are cared for in 6 groups. Each toddler group is attached to a fixed baby group, together they form a "tandem group".

Peutergroep Kinderdagverblijf VUB Health Campus Jette

Toddler group


AGAPE, a specialist in child nutrition, provides healthy and tasty meals.

Practical information

It is important to register in time with the daycare centre of your choice. Please contact the daycare centre no later than 8 months before your preferred start date. Read how to apply and register, what's next and what the fees are.

Find out more

Discover our daycare centre in Etterbeek

Altogether, we can take care of more than 170 children aged 0 to 3 in Brussels.

Daycare centre in Etterbeek