Submitting your PhD thesis
When it is time to submit your PhD thesis, you must use the form 'digital submission of PhD thesis'. The form states all the rights and obligations of the PhD student and VUB regarding digital submission of a dissertation.

Some facts
- You can choose whether to make your thesis publicly available immediately, after two years, or never (for the latter option, you need a valid reason).
- The form must be signed by the PhD student, the supervisor and the chairman of the PhD jury.
- Ask the secretariat of your faculty about the conditions for submitting your dissertation.

Defence procedure
After you have submitted your application, the Faculty Board will compose a jury with at least 3 professors from VUB and at least 2 external members. All jury members must have a doctorate. Your supervisor may not act as the chairman of the jury.
Your defence consists of different phases, as you can see in this defence schedule.
Course of your defence
- Submission of your thesis: within 2 months, the jury evaluates the submitted thesis and comes to a decision.
- Pre-defence: first, the pre-defence takes place. The jury then decides whether you may conduct a public defence, with or without changes. You conduct the defence in English or in Dutch.
- Public defence: the public defence takes place at the latest 1 month after your preliminary defence. You give a presentation to the jury and the public about your research. Then you can receive questions from the jury and the public. Immediately afterwards, the jury members deliberate and announce their decision.