We provide VUB students with advice for studies or internships abroad, and on scholarships for studying abroad (or at VUB for international students). International students can come to us for administrative help when they arrive in Belgium. Our team also provides information on mobility options and scholarships/grants for VUB staff, and gives guidance to academics arriving from abroad. In addition, we:
- organise international-related events.
- work on numerous partnership agreements with institutions across the world, attend/organise conferences and activities within our partner networks, and support the International Student Platform (ISP).
- help our colleagues on (EU) project grants, university development cooperation activities and partnerships, and coordinate several Erasmus+ projects.
- provide guidance to scholars at risk, and are active in inclusion and integration projects.
- are closely involved in diplomacy activities with the Belgian and Flemish governments, foreign embassies here and Belgian embassies across the world, and with our international alumni.