Top international speakers

Israeli historian, futurologist and best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari received an honorary doctorate from VUB.
Worldwide wisdom
At VUB, we have a passion for knowledge that transcends borders. We understand that a job isn’t just about the daily routine, it’s also an opportunity to enrich yourself with new ideas. As a member of the VUB team, you’re never far from the latest developments in science and technology and the newest societal trends. We regularly invite leading international speakers to share their insights and expertise.
Welcome to VUB, where your intellectual horizons are broadened!

American journalist and best-selling author Robert D Kaplan came to Brussels at the invitation of Jonathan Holslag, VUB professor of international politics.
Belgian authors, artists and opinion makers

Slam poet Lisette Ma Neza received the VUB Luc Bucquoye literature prize. Staff members of VUB were treated to a performance during the award ceremony.
Captivating moments
At VUB, we embrace not only education and science but also art and culture in all its glory. We value collaboration with artists and opinion makers, invite them to join the VUB community and challenge them to spark our creative and critical spirit.
Welcome to VUB, where you’ll be working in a creative environment!

Political cartoonist GAL is an honorary doctor of VUB and a welcome guest at our campus and events.

Stand-up comedian Erhan Demirci is a Fellow of our Faculty of Psychology and Education Science. He also performed at one of our academic opening sessions.

Leading Belgian photographer and honorary doctor Dirk Braeckman invited VUB staff to an exhibition in Ostend, curated by VUB professor Hans De Wolf.

That other top top photographer, Stephan Vanfleteren, is also an honorary doctor of VUB. His fans came in droves to his inauguration.

Alicja Gescinksa is a Polish-Belgian philosopher, author and VUB Fellow. You can often see her as a speaker, moderator or curator of VUB events.

With Ab Chao – LaMouseion, Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen has created a permanent artwork on our campus. We invited all VUB staff to its inauguration.

Belgian war correspondent Rudi Vranckx is a Fellow and honorary doctor of VUB.
Belgian musicians

Geike Arnaert
Belgian soundtrack
We welcome not only students, scientists and professors to our campuses – world-renowned Belgian musicians also make regular appearances here. Expect to hear names that dominate the charts and have won the hearts of music lovers. We’ve previously hosted artists such as Arno, Geike Arnaert, Brihang and composer Dirk Brossé to our stages. Who will be next?
Welcome to VUB, where you work hard and play hard too!



Lady Linn

Black Box Revelation
Internationally renowned conductor and award-winning composer Dirk Brossé performed with the VUB Orchestra at De Muntschouwburg in Brussels.

Mauro Pawlowski
Politicians and leaders

King Philippe of Belgium
A window into politics
Our campus is a place for democratic thinking and active citizenship that politicians like to visit. You might meet them as part of your work, at a guest lecture or as an invitee at one of our events. And did you know that many of them studied at VUB?
Welcome to VUB, where you’re at the centre of current affairs!

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, visited FARI, the AI institute of VUB and sister university ULB.
Belgian prime minister and VUB alumnus Alexander De Croo gave a guest lecture at VUB at the invitation of our student associations.

Hilde Crevits, while Flemish minister for Science Policy, visited the lab of the Biology of the Testis research group at our campus in Jette.

VUB alumnus Sammy Mahdi gave a guest lecture to our students while secretary of state for Asylum and Migration.
Professors and scientists

Professor Cathy Macharis, mobility expert
Today in the press, tomorrow your colleague
Our professors and scientists are frequently asked by the media to share their expertise and comment on current affairs. Our students attend their lectures. Soon they’ll be your colleagues and you’ll be having lunch with them in our restaurant or running into them on campus. Be sure to take the chance to talk to them and exchange views, because that’s what our university is all about: inspiring encounters.
Welcome to VUB, where top scientists are your colleagues!

Professor Jonathan Holslag, expert in international politics

Professor Dirk Devroey, expert in family medicine

Professor Wim Thiery, climate expert