Transcript of records
After each exam period, your results will be available in the Student SelfService.
- The January exam results are announced on the first day of class of the second semester.
- The June and second session exam results are announced after deliberations by the examination board.
In the Student SelfService, you get an individual transcript of records, containing your grades and proclamation code. It's important to not only check your grades, but also your proclamation code. It provides useful information on how you can proceed with your studies.

Availability transcript of records
A transcript of records will only be available once the Examination Board has been convened, and has discussed your examination results of the examination period. Your official transcript, including the examination results of each course as well as the proclamation code, can then be downloaded via the Student SelfService. As soon as your transcript of records is available, you will receive an email on your VUB e-mail.
View and download transcript of records
When exactly the examination board gathers differs from faculty to faculty. In January they only gather for students graduating early after the first semester.
If you haven't had a proclamation yet but you need an overview of your results, you can check your exam results in the Student SelfService.
The proclamation code on your transcript of records is the only official decision, and can only be viewed once you click to download your transcript of records.
No transcript of records?
- Guest students receive their results from their home university. They can however, consult their VUB-results in the Student SelfService.
- Students with a credit or exam contract don't receive a transcript of records. They can only consult their grades in the Student SelfService.
Proclamation code
The proclamation code is the only official result that determines whether you have completed or are allowed to continue your programme or not. This proclamation code can only be found in your transcript of records. Check the different proclamation codes below to find our what they mean:
How do you interpret the combination of proclamation codes (threshold and study progress decisions) on your transcript of records? Check the overview.
If you haven't passed all your courses, VUB is here to help you manage your study progress.
What does your proclamation code mean?
Binding conditions (1)
You have failed to obtain ECTS-credits for 60% of the ECTS-credits taken up, at the first following re-enrolment for the same programme a binding condition will be imposed on you. If you re-enrol for the same programme, you must obtain credits or tolerated fails for 75% of the ECTS-credits taken up and you need to pass every programme unit for which you already enrolled at least twice, but for which you did not obtain a credit certificate. If you are enrolled in a bachelor’s programme you can only register for a maximum of 60 ECTS-credits. You may be placed under mandatory study guidance. Should you fail to comply with this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment for the same programme, or any units in that programme under any form of contract whatsoever, will be refused.
Read more about your study progress
Binding conditions (3)
You did not obtain a credit certificate or tolerated fail for the programme units for which you already enrolled twice. At the first following re-enrolment for the same programme a binding condition will be imposed on you. You must obtain a credit or tolerated fail for the programme units in question. You may be placed under mandatory study guidance. Should you not meet this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment in the same programme will be refused.
Read more about your study progress
Failed combined enrolment
Because you failed your preliminary programme, you can not yet graduate in your 'higher' programme.
You have succesfully finished your year programme. Based on the average final result of a student who passed successfully, an academic level of distinction will be awarded.
Re-enrolment not allowed (1)
You have not obtained any credits. You will not be allowed to re-enrol for the same programme, nor for units of that programme under credit contract or exam contract.
At the next enrolment in another programme within the same discipline at VUB, a binding condition will be imposed on you. You must obtain credits or tolerated fails for 75% of the ECTS-credits taken up and you must register and pass each programme unit for which you have not previously obtained a credit certificate and for which you were already enrolled twice. Should you fail to comply with this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment for the same programme, or any units in that programme under any form of contract whatsoever, will be refused.
Read more about your study progress
Re-enrolment not allowed (3)
You have not obtained ECTS-credits or tolerated fails for 75% of the ECTS-credits taken up and/or did not pass every programme unit for which you already enrolled at least twice, but for which you did not obtain a credit certificate. You did not comply with your binding condition. The first following re-enrolment for the same programme, or any units in that programme under any form of contract whatsoever, will be refused.
At the next enrolment in another programme within the same discipline at VUB, a binding condition will be imposed on you. You must obtain credits or tolerated fails for 75% of the ECTS-credits taken up and you must register and pass each programme unit for which you have not previously obtained a credit certificate and for which you were already enrolled twice. Should you fail to comply with this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment for the same programme, or any units in that programme under any form of contract whatsoever, will be refused.
Read more about your study progress
Re-enrolment not allowed (4)
You have failed to attain study progress of at least 30%. The first following re-enrolment in the same programme or any units in that programme under credit contract or exam contract, will be refused.
At the next enrolment in another programme within the same discipline at VUB, a binding condition will be imposed on you. You must obtain credits or tolerated fails for 75% of the ECTS-credits taken up and you must register and pass each programme unit for which you have not previously obtained a credit certificate and for which you were already enrolled twice. Should you fail to comply with this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment for the same programme, or any units in that programme under any form of contract whatsoever, will be refused.
Read more about your study progress
Re-enrolment not allowed (5)
You did not obtain a credit certificate or tolerated fail for the programme units for which you already enrolled twice. You did not comply with your binding condition. The first following re-enrolment for the same programme will be refused.
At the next enrolment in another programme within the same discipline at VUB, a binding condition will be imposed on you. You must obtain credits or tolerated fails for 75% of the ECTS-credits taken up and you must register and pass each programme unit for which you have not previously obtained a credit certificate and for which you were already enrolled twice. Should you fail to comply with this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment for the same programme, or any units in that programme under any form of contract whatsoever, will be refused.
Read more about your study progress
Threshold (Flemish government) : Passed
You have successfully passed your threshold for this programme.
Threshold (Flemish government) : Still to be reached
Please note! You have not obtained a credit certificate or a tolerated fail for all programme units taken up following your initial enrolment. At the second enrolment in a subsequent academic year in the same programme a binding condition will be imposed on you. If you re-enrol for the same programme, you must obtain a credit certificate or tolerated fail for all programme units taken up following the initial enrolment. Should you fail to comply with this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment for the same programme will be refused. This is applicable to all Flemish universities
Read more about the threshold system
Threshold (Flemish government) : Passed with exception
Despite failing to meet the binding conditions for your threshold package, you may exceptionally re-enrol as you have demonstrated exceptional circumstances or force majeure.
Threshold (Flemish government) : Failed - Re-enrolment refused
Please note! You have not obtained a credit certificate or a tolerated fail for all programme units taken up on initial enrolment. You did not comply with your binding condition. The first following re-enrolment for the same programme will be refused. This is applicable to all Flemish universities.
Read more about the threshold system
At the next enrolment in another programme within the same discipline at the VUB, a binding condition will be imposed on you. You must obtain credits or tolerated fails for 75% of the ECTS-credits taken up and you must register and pass each programme unit for which you have not previously obtained a credit certificate and for which you were already enrolled twice. Should you fail to comply with this binding condition, the first following re-enrolment for the same programme, or any units in that programme under any form of contract whatsoever, will be refused.
Next year you resume all course units you have failed the year before. You do not need to resume the course units for which you scored at least 10/20. You obtained your credits for these courses.
You can continue your studies with an individual study path. The study path counselor will help you compose your programme.
Open exam period
Not all exam results are known yet. Your definitive proclamation code will be announced later.
Postponed to 2nd exam period
You can retake the exams you failed (less than 10/20) in the second exam period.
Excluded from the exam period
You received a disciplinary sanction.
Continuation of study program
Next year you resume all course units you have failed the year before. You do not need to resume the course units for which you scored at least 10/20. You obtained your credits for these courses.
You can continue your studies with an individual study path. The study path counselor will be able to help compose your programme.
Reconsideration of a study progress decision
Study progress decisions and proclamation codes can be revised in case of mistakes. You can also lodge an appeal against a study progress decision.
Help and advice
With questions about the deliberation regulations, the consequences of your results for your study path and possible reorientation you can always talk to your
Study path counselor
Think there's a mistake on your transcript of records?
Contact your faculty
An examination mark is assigned to each course. Your grade is expressed as a whole number (form 0 to 20) and is established according to the calculation method described in the course outline or Canvas. You obtain a credit certificate and pass a course when you have obtained a final grade of at least 10/20
Sometimes it comes down to a decimal!
Exam results are rounded to a round number, never using decimals. All grades and averages are rounded as follows:
- rounded down if the decimal is < (less than) 0,5 (9,4/20 will become 9/20)
- rounded up if the decimal is ≥ (more than or equal to) 0,5 (9,5/20 will be 10/20)
The rounding will be applied to the exam result only. This will not be done for the possible separate parts that will lead to the final exam result.
Higher Pass Mark
Some exams will be scored with a correction for guessing, using a positive scoring with Higher Pass Mark. If this is the case, it will be mentioned on the course outline and communicated by your teacher.
This means that no points will be deducted for a wrong answer. So you are advised to give an answer to every question, even if you don't know the answer, or only partially know it. It does mean that the threshold for succeeding or failing (the number of questions that must be answered correctly to reach 10/20) will take into account the probability of guessing, and will therefore be higher. So you need to get more than 50% of the questions right, to get 10/20 (= passes). No question correct (0%) remains 0/20, all questions correct (100%) still means 20/20.
An insufficiency or failed course?
Failed courses can be tolerated in some cases. Make sure to check the deliberation conditions and regulations!
Level of distinction
From passing with merit to the greatest distinction
Based on the average final result of a student who passed successfully, an academic level of distinction will be awarded.
How to calculate your average result?
To calculate the average result you multiply the credits of a certain course unit with your score. Add those together, and then divide this number by the total amount of credits you have finished in your programme.
Level of distinction
The following academic levels of distinction shall be awarded:
- Passed with merit: the average final result is less than 68%
- Passed with distinction: the average final result is 68% or higher
- Passed with great distinction: the average final result is 77% or higher
- Passed with the greatest distinction: the average final result is 85% or higher
Upon completion of a bridging or preparatory programme students receive a specific certificate, not a degree or diploma. These students therefore cannot obtain an academic level of distinction.
Attention! An academic level of distinction can only be awarded if a minimum number of credits has been obtained within the programme at the VUB:
- At least 60 credits for a bachelor’s programme.
- At least half of the total study load for a master’s programme.
Consult and download transcript of records

Step 1: Click 'Transcript of records'
Log in to the Student SelfService with your VUB Account and click 'transcript of records'.

Step 2: You get an overview of all your transcripts of records.
Only validated transcripts (after deliberation) are shown. It is possible that more than one transcript is available for one examination period, i.e. when more than one committee or program is registered.
Click the one you want to check.

Step 3: Choose a print language to view or download your transcript of records
Exemptions and external courses are also included on this certificate. You can also download your transcript of records. Select English or Dutch to open and download your transcript in either language.
Check your grades
Step 1: Study overview
Log in to the Student SelfService with your VUB Account and click 'Study Overview'.

Step 2: Click on the tab 'View grades' in the menu on the left.
Select the academic year to see your grades.

Step 3: You can now check your grade for each course.
Attention! If you're checking your grades via smartphone, you might need to click further to see the full name of the course.

Consult partial grades
A partial grade is a result you get for a certain part of a course, for example oral and written exams. Do you want to consult your assignment results? Follow all the steps explained on this page.

Step 1: Study overview
Log in to the Student SelfService with your VUB Account and click 'Study overview'.

Step 2: Click on ‘View My Assignments’ in the menu on the left.

Step 3: Select the programme or academic year for which you want to see the grades.

Step 4: Select the course for which you want to see the grades.

Step 5: You can check your partial grades here.
Comments entered by the teacher can also be seen in this window.