What is deliberating? 

Failed courses will be tolerated based on your WPD (weighted-point-deficit), based on how big the point deficit is, for how big of a course. Courses are measured in credits or study points (SP). Make sure to check the conditions on this page, how to calculate your WPD and all other information on when and how failed courses can be tolerated.

Don't feel like calculating everything up front?

No need. You can just wait for your exam results and find the result of your deliberation on your transcript of records.

Man en vrouw werkend aan een laptop met documenten in de hand

Who qualifies for deliberation?

Whether you can be deliberated, depends on a few factors:

You can only be deliberated if you have obtained a result for all the courses you are registered for. 

If there is an 'absent' on your transcript of records from the first term or you still have to submit a thesis, for example, you will first get the chance to participate in retakes and can only be deliberated after the second term. In this case, you have to retake all failed courses in August (see also 'The basic rules'). 

Your failed courses can be tolerated if you've taken up all courses in your programme (except exemptions) and taken an exam for each course. This means when you are finishing your:

  • first Bachelor year (BA1)
  • Preparatory programme (PP)
  • full Bachelor programme (BA)
  • full Master programme (MA)
  • Advanced Master

You also need to meet the conditions (lower on this page) to qualify for toleration.

You do not qualify for toleration if you haven't taken all the courses (except exemptions) of your programme. This means if you haven' taken all study points (or credits) of your preparatory programme, or when finishing your:

  • second year Bachelor (BA2)
  • first year of a 2-year Master programme (MA1)
  • second year of a 3-year Master programme (Medicine)

If a course result is based on a Pass/No Pass you do not qualify for toleration in case you obtain a 'No Pass'.

Deliberation conditions

Do you qualify for toleration? Then your failed classes may be tolerated if you meet the following conditions:

  • Your weighted average is 55% or higher. Check you transcript of records, or calculate it yourself (see below). If you don't have a result for each course, your weighted average can't be calculated and you can't be tolerated.
  • You have no more than 2 failed courses (everything lower than 10/20 is a failed course), no result is lower than 8/20 and you don't have more than one 8/20.

=> If you score a 7/20 or lower, or you have more than 2 failed classes, your failed courses can not be tolerated and you wil have to retake all failed courses in the next exam period.

  • You did not fail a course that doesn't allow failing. See below for an overview of these courses.
  • You don't surpass your maximum allowed WPD (weighted point deficit). See below to calculate this yourself.

These regulations are applied automatically. You don't have to request to be tolerated. If you qualify and you meet all the conditions, you will automatically be tolerated.

The basic rules

  • If your failed courses were not tolerated after the first exam sessions (January & June), you need to retake all failed courses in the second exam session. Your results are not transferred to the next exam session and only the most recent result is valid. Not retaking a failed course will result in an 'ABSENT' and means you have to retake the course in the next exam session.
  • Credits (study points) and results from external courses (at other universities) are taken into account for deliberations.
  • If your failed result was tolerated, it will be marked on your transcript of records as TF for 'tolerated fail'. You don't need to retake this course in your current programme, and you have passed your programme. However it will always be marked on your transcript of records that you did not pass this particular class, so you will have to retake it if you ever change to a different programme.
  • Do you wish to retake a failed course that was tolerated in the 2nd exam session (August)? Then you will have to retake all failed courses and only your new/most recent results will be valid. You need to request this with your faculty secretariat within 7 days after your results were published at the end of the second semester.

You can calculate your own WPD. It's impossible for our staff to calculate this for each student individually. There's no need to calculate this up front, because all regulations and conditions are applied automatically on your transcript of records.

Weighted Point Deficit (WPD)

Calculate your own WPD, and make sure it's not higher than your maximum allowed WPD.

Step 1: Calculate your WPD

E.g.: A 9/20 for a 3 credit course
=> 1 (point deficit) x 3 (credits) = 3 WPD

E.g.: An 8/20 for a 6 credit course
=> 2 (points deficit) x 6 (credits) = 12 WPD

Add the WPD for your failed courses together. This is your total WPD. In this example: 3 + 12 = 15 total WPD.

Step 2: Lower than your maximum allowed WPD?

Is your total WPD lower than your maximum allowed WPD? Then your failed courses will be tolerated and you won't have to retake them.

If your total WPD is higher than your maximum allowed WPD, you won't be deliberated and none of your failed courses will be tolerated. You will have to retake all of your failed courses during the next exam session.

What is your maximum allowed WPD?

Students doing a preparatory programme or shortened programme, will always have to calculate their own WPD, regardless of whether they have exemptions.

Finishing your BA1 - first Bachelor year

Did you take all BA1 courses?
=> max allowed = 18 WPD

Are you not taking all courses because you have exemptions?
Calculate yourself:
(credits taken in your programme x 18) / 60
It doesn't matter if your bachelor programme has less than 60 credits.

Calculation examples

Finishing your full Bachelor programme

Did you take all BA courses?
=> max allowed = 18 WPD

Are you not taking all courses because you have exemptions?
Calculate yourself:
(credits taken in your programme x 18) / 120
If you are combining courses from BA2 and BA3, you can add all credits taken over both years.

Calculation examples

Finishing your Preparatory Programme

Did you take all preparatory programme courses?
=> max allowed = 18 WPD for a preparatory programme of 90 credits

When your preparatory programme consists of less than 90 ECTS credits, you need to calculate your maximum weighted credit deficit yourself. You can use the formula underneath (for exemptions). 

Are you not taking all courses because you have exemptions?
Calculate yourself:
(credits taken in your programme x 18) / 90
Does your programme have more than 90 credits? Then the max GPT is capped at 18.

Calculation examples

Finishing your Master or Advanced Master (60 credits)

Did you take all programme courses?
=> max allowed = 12 WPD

Are you not taking all courses because you have exemptions?
Calculate yourself:
(credits taken in your programme x 12) / 60

Calculation examples

Finishing your Master (90 credits)

Did you take all master courses?
=> max allowed = 13.5 WPD

Are you not taking all courses because you have exemptions?
Calculate yourself:
(credits taken in your programme x 13.5) / 90

Calculation examples

Finishing your Master or Advanced Master (120 credits)

Did you take all programme courses?
=> max allowed = 18 WPD

Are you not taking all courses because you have exemptions?
Calculate yourself:
(credits taken in your programme x 18) / 120

Calculation examples

Calculate your own weighted average

Your weigther average is also mentioned on 
Your transcript of records

Multiply the credits of each course with the result you scored for the course. Add these for each of your courses.

Example: A 12/20 for a 6 credit course and a 15/20 for a 3 credit course

  • 12 x 6 = 72 and 15 x 3 = 45
  • 72 + 45 = 117 
Divide that number by the total amount of credits taken in your programme. This results in a score out of 20.
  • 6 credits + 3 credits = 9 credits taken in total
  • 117 / 9 = 13 (or 13/20)
Multiply this result out of 20 by 5, to get a percentage. This is your weighted average.
  • 13 x 5 = 65 (weighted average is 65%)

Exceptions to the tolerated fails

There are courses you have to pass. These will never allow a tolerated fail or deliberation; These courses have been approved by the education board and are mentioned in the teaching and examination rules.

Check which courses don't tolerate fails below:


Master Fotonica // Master Photonics Engineering // European Master Photonics

  • Within this interuniversity program no fail mark is tolerated for any course unit.

All Master programs

  • Master thesis
  • Compulsory internship(s)

Psychology and Educational Sciences

Enkel de stage en masterproef kunnen niet gedelibereerd worden binnen de opleidingen van de faculteit.

Law and Criminology

Enkel de stage, de bachelor- en de masterproef kunnen niet gedelibereerd worden binnen de opleidingen van de faculteit.

Social Sciences and Solvay Business School

Only the internship, Bachelor's and Master's thesis can never be deliberated within your programme.

Languages and Humanities


  • Werkcollege status en identiteit in de Klassieke Oudheid (BA1)
  • Werkcollege middeleeuwse geschiedenis (BA1)
  • Werkcollege Belgen in de wereld (BA1)
  • Werkcollege vroegmoderne criminaliteitsgeschiedenis (BA1)
  • Heuristiek: bronnen voor de geschiedenis (BA1)
  • Bachelorproef, Masterproef en/of verplichte stage(s)


Kunstwetenschappen en Archeologie

  • Werkcollege Kunstgeschiedenis (BA1)
  • Werkcollege Archeologie (BA1)
  • Bachelorproef, Masterproef en/of verplichte stage(s)


Taal- en Letterkunde

  • Onderzoeksmethodologie: Taal- en Letterkunde (BA)
  • Onderzoeksmethodologie: Letterkunde (MA)
  • Onderzoeksmethodologie: Taalkunde (MA)
  • Bachelorproef, Masterproef en/of verplichte stage(s)


Toegepaste Taalkunde

  • Vertaalatelier Frans (MA Vertalen)
  • Vertaalatelier Duits (MA Vertalen)
  • Vertaalatelier Engels (MA Vertalen)
  • Vertaalatelier Spaans (MA Vertalen)
  • Taalatelier Nederlands (MA Vertalen)
  • Bachelorproef, Masterproef en/of verplichte stage(s)


Linguistics and Literary Studies

  • Research Methodology: Literary Studies
  • Research Methodology: Linguistics
  • Translation Studies and Research Methodology
  • Interpreting Studies and Research Methodology
  • Bachelor- or Master thesis and/or mandatory internship(s)

Educational Master

  • Vakdidactiek II (alle specialisaties)
  • Professioneel leraarschap
  • Krachtige leeromgeving (alle specialisaties)
  • Positief en inclusief leefklimaat (alle specialisaties)
  • Bachelorproef, Masterproef en/of verplichte stage(s)


Educatieve Master Talen

  • onderzoeksmethodologie: Letterkunde
  • onderzoeksmethodologie: Taalkunde 
  • Bachelorproef, Masterproef en/of verplichte stage(s)

Medicine and Pharmacy

Overview courses 

Dutch only

Sciences and Bio-engineering Sciences

Physical Education and Physiotherapy

Check which courses don't tolerate fails:

Overview courses 2023 - 2024

Overview courses 2024-2025

Did I pass, fail or get tolerated?

To pass your courses you get 2 chances. The first exam session (January & June) and the second exam session (August). When do you pass?

After the first exam session (January & June)
  • You scored at least 10/20 for every course = you passed
  • You didn't score at least 10/20 for every course, but you qualify for toleration and meet all the conditions = you passed
  • You didn't score at least 10/20 for every course, and you don't qualify to be tolerated or meet the conditions = You need to retake your failed courses in the second exam session
After the second exam session (August)
  • You scored at least 10/20 for every course = you passed
  • You didn't score at least 10/20 for every course, but you qualify for toleration and meet all the conditions = you passed
  • You didn't score at least 10/20 for every course, and you don't qualify to be tolerated or meet the conditions = You need to retake your failed courses during the next academic year

=> participating in second session means these results become permanent