On 20th September, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will gather at Brussels’ Koninklijk Circus for the Feest van de Vrije Geest, or Celebration of the Free Spirit. This event marks the opening of the new academic year and celebrates the values that the university steadfastly upholds: critical thinking, freedom of speech, the right to self-determination, solidarity and connectedness. As part of the programme, six renowned guest speakers will share what the concept of freedom means to them, through a short speech or performance. Among them isSara Leemans, the creative mind behind Dansaertvlamingen. This Instagram account recently inspired a sketch show spin-off on Streamz.

What does a free spirit mean to you?

“For me, it means having an open mind. Someone who doesn’t rush to judge, but instead questions themselves and remains curious about other perspectives.”

Have you ever censored yourself or felt pressured not to express certain things?

“In recent years, we’ve become more aware of how we think and judge – at least within my social circle. I see this as a positive development. There’s nothing wrong with showing empathy and understanding someone else’s situation. This applies to comedy too, where context is everything. I do worry, though, about whether it’s clear where I stand and what my intentions are. I don’t want to offend anyone or punch down. Those usually aren’t good jokes anyway.”

“When I know what I stand for, I don’t feel vulnerable about it”

How tolerant are you yourself? Would you ‘cancel’ someone?

“We need to be cautious with that. People should have the right to make mistakes and later change their minds or broaden their views. But cancel culture is often misused as a weapon by the right, in my opinion. Someone will say, ‘The left wants to silence and cancel you’... on Joe Rogan’s podcast. And I think, really?”

Is freedom of expression under threat?

“I don’t get worked up over trivialities. But when I do get angry – about Gaza, far-right rhetoric and so on – I don’t hold back. I receive ugly reactions, often from angry right-wing men. It’s unpleasant, but I don’t need their approval. When I know what I stand for, I don’t feel vulnerable about it.”

Celebration of the Open Mind

On Friday, 20th September at 4:00 PM, the VUB will set the Royal Circus of Brussels ablaze with the Celebration of the Open Mind. Expect a line-up of well-known opinion-makers and (word) artists who will each, in their own unique way, share what freedom means to them: Guy Mortier, Rudi Vranckx, Elisabeth Lucie Baeten, Christophe Busch, Sara Leemans, Dena Vahdani, Ruth Lasters… There will also be music, and plenty of it. Thanks to Ão, a band currently making waves with their unique blend of saudade, indie, and electronica.

Don’t miss your spot and sign up now!

Academische opening 2024