On Friday, 20 September, the VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) will gather at the Royal Circus for the Celebration of the Open Mind. We open the new academic year and celebrate the values that we, as a university, continue to stand firmly behind: critical thinking, freedom of expression, the right to self-determination, solidarity, and connectedness. The programme features an impressive line-up of guest speakers who will share in a brief speech or performance what this Open Mind means to them. Among them is screenwriter and author Elisabeth Lucie Baeten. On Instagram, under the name ‘Katrien van Politiek PR,’ she brings politicians who have made mistakes to their knees with shame.

What does being an open mind mean to you?

“It means not being suppressed in your thinking or speaking. In our country, thankfully, we are allowed to debate publicly, point out what’s going wrong, and question decisions. There’s no guarantee that anything will change, but at least we’re allowed to say it.”

“I think it’s just in me: a strong, sometimes painfully strong, sense of justice.”

Who is a role model for you when it comes to free speech?

“I didn’t really have any big examples. I think it’s just in me: a strong, sometimes painfully strong, sense of justice. I can’t help but do something about it, or it would eat me up inside. Maybe it’s genetic because my older brother (author and screenwriter Paul Baeten Gronda, ed.) has it too.”

Should we be able to say anything, or are there limits to freedom?

“In my profession, let’s call it comedy, I’ve always set limits. I’m a supporter of the ‘punch up, not down’ method. That’s why my character Katrien calls politicians and other powerful people. But I don’t attack them; I don’t play the man. That’s where I draw the line.”

How much is freedom of speech under pressure today? What do you think is the greatest threat?

“What’s most under pressure is the freedom of scientists, historians, journalists, and other experts to proclaim objective facts. I find that a great danger and very, very frightening. It may sound strange coming from the mouth of a so-called Instagram personality, but it really bothers me that a handful of people suddenly have the power to decide what the truth is, simply because they invented or bought social media. And we’re just supposed to accept that our entire worldview is changing and that the way we receive information no longer makes sense. We make a few people super-rich, and we’re hurting entire generations with it.”

Should people be denied the opportunity to express themselves because of their opinions?

“If they spread hatred, racism, sexism, and homophobia under the guise of free speech? Yes. If it’s not allowed on the street, why should it be allowed on your phone? I believe that online media and comment sections should be moderated.”

Celebration of the Open Mind

On Friday, 20th September at 4:00 PM, the VUB will set the Royal Circus of Brussels ablaze with the Celebration of the Open Mind. Expect a line-up of well-known opinion-makers and (word) artists who will each, in their own unique way, share what freedom means to them: Guy Mortier, Rudi Vranckx, Elisabeth Lucie Baeten, Christophe Busch, Sara Leemans, Dena Vahdani, Ruth Lasters… There will also be music, and plenty of it. Thanks to Ão, a band currently making waves with their unique blend of saudade, indie, and electronica.

Don’t miss your spot and sign up now!

Academische opening 2024