Student Council
The Student Council is the central body for student representation at the VUB. The elected members defend your interests and appoint the student representatives for other councils.
International Student Platform
The ISP works with the Student Council and STUVO Council, representing the interests of international students, ranging from the availability of language courses and housing to activities on campus
STUVO Council for Student Services
Aside from a Student Council, each university in Flanders must also have a STUVO Council. Contrary to other schools, the Council at VUB is made up solely of students. As a matter of fact the representatives in the Student Council and the Council for Student Services are the same.
The STUVO Council represents the policy and the representation of VUB students in terms of student facilities: food, housing, social services, medical and psychological services, transport and student activities. That means they are the policymakers and manage de VUB-budget concerning student services.
They also advise on partnerships VUB creates with organisations providing interesting student services. For example Publiq, offering discounts with your student card when you want to go to the cinema, theatre, expositions, etc in Brussels, Flanders and Europe!

Faculty Council
Why does the Faculty Council do?
The Faculty Councils determine the general policy of the faculties and exercise supervision over the faculty boards and the faculty offices.
Faculty Council
Student representatives 2022-2023
Social Sciences & Solvay Business School
- Solau Sasha
- Taïbi Mohamed-Idriss - deputy: Boesmans Emma
- Eikenaar Erin; deputy: Thewis Margot
Medicine and Pharmacy
- Maxim Valgaeren
- Helena Broes
- Lotte Colson
- Louise Van Keerberghen
- Anisa Aliju
- Jana Coppens
Educational Master
Dorvedi Stefanie Mulder: Instituutsraad (IR) and de Interfacultaire Opleidingsraad (IOLR)
- Ruben Simons
Physical Education and Physiotherapy
- No representatives
Languages and Humanities
- Manon Quanjard
- Lula Maris
- Clara Cnop
- William Torbeyns
- Astrid Coucke
- Dani Van Linden
- Astrid Luypaert
- Lotte Sunaert
- Anna Dheedene
- Minne Philippe
- Jeannine Helene Bätz
- Valery Fiévez
Psychology and Educational Sciences
- Vastenakel Pauline – Weymeers Veerle (deputy)
- Robert van Ruiten – Branckaert Aron (deputy)
- De Pauw Liesl – De Lestré Charlotte (deputy)
- Casasus Garcia Lee – Torps Emmelien (deputy)
Law and Criminology
- S. Vandeputte
- M. Van den Poel
- J. Lersberghe
- Van Ingelghem
Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
- Joren Van Cauwenberge
- Marylyn Roten
Faculty Council
Apply as a candidate to represent your faculty
The faculties organise the recruitment of student representatives in the Faculty Council. Are you interested and do you want to know which steps to take to become a student representative?
Interested to find out how you can apply?
Contact your faculty secretariat
Faculty Council
What can you expect as a student representative in the faculty council?
As a representative in the Faculty Council, you help the university to get better. Not only that, it’s also a great learning opportunity and interesting experience, which will definitely come to use in your professional life: taking part in meeting, debating, working together as a team, learning how a university works, and so much more. It’s a nice way to meet some new people as well.
The Faculty Councils meet at least 4 times a year, and a meeting is usually 2 hours long. As a student representative, it’s important to be present and actively take part in these meetings. This means:
- Prepare for the meeting (prepare the agenda and useful documents)
- Add topics to the agenda yourself
- What’s your personal opinion on the topics? If necessary, reach an agreement on the students opinion with your fellow student representatives
- Take part in discussions and be the voice of students
- Get back to the students with follow-up information
Study Programme Committee
What does the Committee do?
Almost everything in your study programme is discussed in the Study Programme Committee. Think about the vision, contents, goals, programme, study materials,... The voice of our students is absolutely essential in this discussion.
Recent realisations
- Certain deadlines regarding the master's thesis in the Archivistics programme have been adjusted following complaints about feasibility
- In the first master year of the psychology programme, the curriculum was adjusted to spread/reduce the pressure.
- Pharmacology subjects have been expanded and spread over more years to build in-depth ready knowledge (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Feedback culture is installed in the Agogical Sciences course.
- Electives arescheduled as a priority in timetables so they don't conflict with the other courses (Sciences and Bioengineering)
Study Programme Committee
Who's in the Study Programme Committee?
At least a third of the voting members are students. The rest is made up of teachers, assistants, alumni,...
Overview of all different committees and representatives
Study Programme Committee
Apply as a candidate for your Study Programme Committee
The faculties organize the recruitment of student representatives in the Study Programme Committee.
Are you interested and do you want to know which steps to take to become a student representative?
Contact your faculty secretariat
Study Programme Committee
What to expect?
As a representative in your Study Programme Committee, you help the university to get better. Not only that, it’s also a great learning opportunity and interesting experience, which will definitely come to use in your professional life: taking part in meeting, debating, working together as a team, learning how a university works, and so much more. It’s a nice way to meet some new people as well.
The Programme Committees meet at least twice a year and most of the time, once a month at most. As a student representative, it’s important to be present and actively take part in these meetings. This means:
- Prepare for the meeting (prepare the agenda and useful documents)
- Add topics to the agenda yourself
- What’s your personal opinion on the topics? If necessary, reach an agreement on the students opinion with your fellow student representatives
- Take part in discussions and be the voice of students
- Get back to the students with follow-up information
Study Programme Committee
Representatives per study programme
Check the full overview of the student representatives in your study programme.
Social Sciences and Solvay Business School
Social Sciences
- Zheng Ming Lim
- Camille Koujou
- Margo Cahill
- Chiara Matić
- Safeya Badr
- Jack Kirk
- Mălina Bușu
- Lambe Peres
- Can Arda Ciloglu
- Jose Muradas
- Akeza Lins Nkurunziza
- Chanique DeVries
- Anna-Maria Hessler
- Alexandra Coroaba
- Sofia Vashchuk
- Gabriella Van der Ven
- Nicolas Lenz
- George Deian Primejdie Ianculovici
- Tako Davladze (raadgevend)
- Marie Gert R. Vanleeuw
- Rabia Ozdemir
- Wouter Karel De Leeuw
- Chaima Mansour
BA Sociologische en Politieke Wetenschappen: afstudeerrichting Sociologie/Master Sociologie
- Flo Bohets
BA Sociologische en Politieke Wetenschappen: afstudeerrichting Politicologie/ MA Politieke Wetenschappen/ MA Political Science: International and European Governance
- Erin Eikenaar
- Margot Thewis
- Merel Van Neck
- Ruslan Vernelen
- Lisa Servaas Miller
Handelsingenieur/TEW/Business Economics/International Business/Business and Technology
- Yahya El Batati
- Nourh`ene El Mowafy
- Luca Vitale
- Aube Bouwen
- Safouane Bouyghjdane
- Nickan Zohrevand
- Mekki El M’Kaddem
- Mohamed-Idriss Taïbi
- Sem Van Lancker
- Emma Boesmans
- Mirafzal Mirjaloliy
- Jean Claude Gatoni
- Aya El Ourdirhi El Khalfi
- Estrella Bibiloni
- Nicolas Khaldi
- Max Temmerman
- Marcio Reverbel
- Can Emre Tasazer
- Carmen Jaradeh
- Thomas De Cuyper
- Louise De Moor
- Apolline Delettre
- Mirkea van Berlaer
- Shwe Uu
- Ibtissam Fedali
- Sara Bilen
- Yosef Arefi
- Radu-Gabriel Bujan
- Maria Petruch
- Garen Nersess
- Remko Montorro
- Charles Malvaux
- Simay Aslanoglu
- Thomas Vandenberghe
- Chloe Vanden Weghe
- Mariam Jandarova
- Pasang Kempenaers
- Bram Vossen
- Lotte Vannieuwenhuyze
- Julie Boterbergh
- Anastasia Troukhina
- Regina Parthena Koteki
- Manoela Bezerra
- Lloyd Trevor De Cock
- Emelita Pauraite
Medicine and Pharmacy
Biomedische wetenschappen
- Abdallah Fatmé
- Al Gourari Safae
- Aliju Anisa
- Coppens Jana
- Hatmi, Ali Zayn Al Abidine
- Herremans Natasha
- Payet Yaëlle
- Stevens Merel
- Van Mierlo Hanne
- Van Den Broecke Lauren
Farmaceutische wetenschappen
- Bonte Sophie
- Verstappen Sylvie
- Ishimwe Henriette
- Mertens Charlotte
- De Saedeleer Jorn
- Van Den Eynde Kiala
- De Hondt Lena
- Daenen Lore
- Kerckaert Rémy
- Quevilly Maïté
- Philips Nant
- Haentjens Lucas
- Tiziana Everaerd
- Jasmien Sercu
- Femke Asscherickx
- Hajk Torosyan
- Maxim Valgaeren
- Margot de Boer
- Ana Potvlieghe
- Yannis Polspoel
- Laure Potvlieghe
- Jana Siccard
- Isabelle Vekemans
- Samah Amghizar
- Lauren Cools
- Maria De Lombaerde
- Francois Verschaeve
- Lotte Colson
- Lieve Lerner
- Sohrab Nazari
- Jolien Lersberghe
- Karolien Van Himbeeck
- Helena Kolb
Specialistische geneeskunde
- Casteels Phyline
- Daelemans Sari
- Danau Tom
- De Bruyne Mathias
- De Mey Jarne
- De Mey Lynn
- Debacker Jens
- D'Hondt Cynthia
- Kessels Jolien
- Kuijk Joke
- Michotte Naomi
- Uyttebroeck Sophie
- Van Asbroeck Ellen
- Van Den Eynde Thomas
- Van Roy Simon
- Vermeulen Hanne
Management en beleid van de gezondheidszorg
- Evelien Vandeurzen (schakel en voorbereidend jaar/masterjaar)
- Asiye Sebnem Gulperi Saglam (masterjaar)
- Gwenn Berende (schakel en voorbereidend jaar)
- Spakman L.
- Vindevogel
Educational Master
- Tilo Weber
- Stefanie Mulder
BA Ingenieurswetenschappen
- Manuel Higuera Velez
- Hanaa Arrouchdi
- Cedric Colson
- Jonas Bulcke
- Zakariya Mokhtar
- Joren Vanden Berghe
- Corentin Van Loo
- Nick van Rijsewijk
- Tom Van den Schilden
- Louise Mattelaer
- Omar Akharroub
- Emma Dar
- Lola Woydt
- Pablo De Wulf
- Hendrik-Jan Jeddens
- Ethan Fack
BA Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur
- Casper Bladt
- Lies Cox
- Lotte Nulens
- Judith Cools
- Emma Rodriguez
Industriële Wetenschappen
- Tahir Saglam
- Corentin Beyaert
- Alexis Jean-Paul Salmon
MA Ingenieurswetenschappen: elektronica en informatietechnologie/ MA Electrical Engineering
- Wannes Nevens
- Alexis Misselyn
- Lars Denayer
- Latte Samuel,
- Adeline Wantiez
- Ferre Schelkens
MA Ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde/ MA Civil Engineering/MA Ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur/ MA Architectural Engineering
- Daan Appeltans (CE)
- Kevin Detienne (CE-ULB)
- Ward Goossens (CE)
- Kaj-Wolf Depuydt (AE)
- Sen Dhollander (AE)
- Nelson Jansen (AE)
MA Ingenieurswetenschappen: toegepaste computerwetenschappen/MA Applied Sciences and Engineering: Applied Computer Science
- Iliya Hakani
- Mahsa Naghedinia
- Yuebo Yao
- Hossein Dehghanipour
- Malavika Parthasarathi
- Lukasz Stanislaw Gawenda
- Fahmieh Heydarzadeh
- Naqi Amine
- Yiyao Chen
- Muhammad Rezaul Hasan
MA Ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde-elektrotechniek/MA Electromechanical Engineering
- Tijl Janssens
- Sam Pets
- Wouter Kuijk
- Stijn Kindt
MA ingenieurswetenschappen: fotonica/European Master of Science in Photonics
- Yamila Borsch
- Fabio Gavilan
- Parto Ijaadi Maghsoodi
- Behzad Bagheri
- Halewijn Van den Bossche
- Sébastien d'Herbais de Thun
- Zhifan Dai
Physical Education and Physiotherapy
Manuele therapie
- Alexander Hendrickx
- Hilal Satilmis
Revalidatiewetenschappen en kinesitherapie
- Myrthe Coudyzer
- Ruben Bonny
- Manon De Swert
Languages and Humanities
- Yorben Van de Weghe
- Bob Stoops
- C. Cnop
- E. Troffaes
- M. Callens
- W. Torbeyns
Wijsbegeerte en Moraalwetenschappen
- Lula Maris
- J.Corneel Minne
- Manon Quanjard
- Wolf Van Troost
- Mathijs De Worm
- Caroline Schillemans
Taal- en letterkunde
- K. Maes
- A. Coucke
BA Linguistics and Literary Studies
- V. Fievez
- M. Pujanek
MA Linguistics and Literary Studies
- K. Maes
- Nadia Ramdhanie
- Madeleine Kabeary Corley
- Akanksha Jasmine Jaideep
- Firdaous Khlifi
- Andru Shively
- Imane Hosni
- Jesse Pilz
Kunstwetenschappen en Archeologie
- Jeannine Helene Bätz
- Astrid Luypaert
- Antje Indestege
- Louis Voet
- Dani Van Linden
- Kawtar El Adak
- Lara Peeraer
- Jasmin De Waele
Toegepaste taalkunde/Journalistiek/Tolken/Vertalen
- Ludivine Isabelle S Vits (BA1)
- Lotte Iris De Boe (MA Vertalen)
- Lisanne De Brabandere (MA Vertalen)
- Anna Frits L Dheedene (BA3)
- Laura Hamers (BA1)
- Lotte Sunaert (MA Vertalen)
- Eline Versleegers (MA Tolken)
Psychology and Educational Sciences
- Baeyens Pieter
- Branckaert Aron
- Cannaerts Lander
- Corremans Fie
- Debacker Loïc
- De Decker Sarah
- De Lestré Charlotte
- De Pape Sam
- De Pauw Liesl
- Deroost Mik
- Dumont Romy
- Forton Noa
- Gerard Emely
- Jacobs Sander
- Legroux Femke
- Schreurs Lisa
- Surinx Dominique
- van Ruiten Robert
- Vastenaekel Pauline
- Weymeers Veerle
Agogische wetenschappen/MA Onderwijskunde/MA Educational Sciences
- Adams Carolina Elisabeth Gallagher (MES)
- Beerens Wendy (AGOG)
- Casasus Garcia Lee (AGOG)
- Farkas Anna Maria (MES)
- Fatima Nisa (MES)
- Garcia Jimenez Maria (MES)
- Jeong Minji (MES)
- Kofi Nyame Anthony (MES)
- Miroya Kivairu Mariany (MES)
- Torps Emmelien (AGOG)
- Vanderstichele Benjamin (AGOG)
- Yi Suann (MES)
Law and Criminology
- Ann-Sophie Verbeek
- Charlotte De Wit
- Joajoakim
- Emiel Van Weert
- Michaël Van den Poel
- Niels Klein
- Sueann Vandeputte
- Jory Brabants D'Hooghe
- Dina Makrane
- Emma Wittens
- Lenka Vanvaerenbergh
- Leen Rossel
- Angelique Van Ingelghem
- Amber Heyrman
- Eline Strik
Internationaal en Europees Recht
- Wolf WH Jacobs
- Elise CL Raes
- Nicholas Schepens
- Niki Van Geem
Sociaal Recht
- Jolien Van Herpe
- Marthe Delodder
- Chelsea Huygen
- Thomas Vandamme
- Laura De Graef
- Valentine Herbay
- Eva Keusters
- Melody Nele
Sciences and Bo-engineering Sciences
Artificiële intelligentie
- Aydin Eivazi
- L. Simons
Fysica en sterrenkunde
- Ambrien Fraihi (ba2)
- Marlies Peremans (ba2)
- Claire Dooms (ba2)
- Vic Van Der Linden (BA3)
- Joren Van Cauwenberghe (BA3)
- Tiepolo Wybouw (ma1)
- Else Magnus (MA2)
- Jannes Loonen (MA1)
- Ruben Camphyn (MA2)
- Elise Van Den Bossche
- Jitse Van Crombruggen (Ba1)
- Kaat Goemaere (Ba1)
- Dante De Wilde (Ba2)
- Anas Mouaissa (Ba2)
- Killian Delvalle (Ba3)
- Léa Serrano Gimenez (Ba3)
- Harry Lecomte (Ma1, CTBDS)
- Nathan De Sadeleer (Ma2, CTBDS)
- Hendrik De Boeck (Ma2, CTBDS)
- Kato Pappaert (Ma1, A&E)
- Lieven Sybrien (Ma2, A&E)
- Nathan Van Dam (Ba3)
- Verhaevert Katoo (MA2 MCLS)
- Indra Saenen (MA2 ECOL)
- Fiona Pancken (MA2 MCLS)
Oceans & Lakes
- Mohamed Yusuf (Ma1)
- Rafaella Dueñas (Ma1)
- Luisa Suarez (Ma1)
- Mary Vanessa Moll (Ma1)
- Jeremy Donaire (Ma2)
- Bram Rijstabel (Ma2)
- Regine Oco (Ma2)
- Diego Nahuel Campos Salazar (Ma2)
BSc computerwetenschappen
- Silken Heynderickx
- Abel Stuker
- Seppe Wyns
- Arman Kolozyan
- Robbe De Greef
- Thomas Vandermotten
- Mats Van Molle
MSc computerwetenschappen / Computer Science / toegepaste informatica
- Taha El Hihi (CW/CS)
- Dana Tabatabaie Irani (CW/CS)
- Anisha Sachdeva (CW/CS)
- Gertjan Jozef P Vanlook
- Liv Acke
- Céleste Berkvens
- Marijke Van Cappellen
- Daan Vandenberghe
- Mori Wuytens
- Yorick Steenhoudt
- Dominiek Mans
- Toon Bielen
Urban Studies (MUS)
- Joshua Le Bourhis
- Violette Lemieux
- Lucas Lyko
- Larissa Gorbatikh
- Olena Kuzhym
- Clarisse De Beir
- Kathryn Novkov
Urban Studies (4 Cities)
- Alexander Krause
- Katie Friedman
- Zachary Esquivel
- Divine Ilunga
- Dhruv Shah
- Houyem Snene
- Philippa Winship
- José Cano Núñez
- Matias Lastra
- Wassim Ben Tato
- Friso Isaäc Y Kostermans
- Lotte Van Den Haute
- Wietse Jakobs
- Louise Van de Looverbosch
- Marwan Elkhettabi
- Vita Cooman
- Jonas Noé
Molecular Biology
- Paulina Chróścińska
- Karen Jessica Stanley Joseph
- Eline Clerckx
- Licyel Paulas CondoriCondori
- Yvonne Zilpah Ojijo