VUB Student organisations
The VUB was created through the need for a university that would carry out critical research and not be subject to dogma. Free research is therefore an inseparable part of our university and you will find that in our academic circles and in their folklore. Saint-Vé, caps, Baptism, cantuses, TD's and a Humanistic Singing Festival: VUB’s traditions tell a strong story. And provide you with an unforgettable experience.
Regional student organisations
Recognised student organisations per region
For anyone who is proud of his roots, who does not want to lose the feeling of his/her hometown or who is in Brussels but would like to speak his/her local dialect.
- African Students' Community - ASCOM*
- Antwer - Antverpia*
- Haspengouw and Hageland - Hesbania*
- Brussels and Brabant - KBS*
- Geraardsbergen and East-Flanders – Kinneke Baba*
- Limburg - Limburgia*
- Mechelen - VSKM*
- West-Flanders - Westland*
- West-Flanders - WUK*
*These are baptising organisations
Student organisations per faculty
Recognised student organisations per study programme
Under this section, you can find both student-focused faculty organisations and more student-oriented student organisations. Faculty organisations can easily be reached by clicking on the links below. Although most of them are in Dutch, they still welcome English speaking students!
Economic and Social Sciences and Solvay Business School
- Solvay Initiative Group - Inisol
- Kring der Economische Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen - KEPS*
- PERSKring*
- Solvay Kring*
- Brussels Association of the Social Sciences - BASS
- Brussels Association of Business Economics - BABE
Medicine and Pharmacy
- Bru:tecture
- Polytechnische Kring - PK*
- International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience - IAESTE
Physical Education and Physiotherapy
Languages and Humanities
Psychology and Educational Sciences
Law and Criminology
- Vlaams Rechtsgenootschap Brussel - VRG*
- European Law Student Association - ELSA
- Brussels Law School Consultancy - BLSC
Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
*These are baptising organisations
Student organisations based on interest
Recognised student organisations per interest
All these student organisations originate from a particular hobby, interest or thought.
Politics & activism
- Comac VUB
- Jongsocialisten VUB
- Liberaal Vlaams Studenten Verbond Brussel
- Jong N-VA VUB
- Vonk: Marxistische jongeren
Music, game & leisure
Student folklore
Internationalisation and diversity
*These are baptising organisations
Student organisations for international students
Recognised student organisations for internationals
For international students at VUB, there are special organisations addressing their needs and experiences as well as providing opportunities for self-development.
International student organisations
- ESN VUB EhB Brussels
- Society of Weird and Mad People - SWAMP*
- International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience - IAESTE
- Spectrum GSA VUB
- VUB Gaming
- African Students' Community - ASCOM
- VUB Musical
*These are baptising organisations
Want to join?
New students wanting to join a student organisation can do so voluntarily. If you are under 18 however, you will need permission from your parents for some activities. You can obtain the required form from your organisation, as well as all information about membership and activities.
Complaints about one of the student activities?
Sui Generis student organisations
VUB student life has it's own traditions. There are 3 organisations safeguarding those, independantly from eachother, with subsidies from the school. That's why these organisations are called 'sui generis' in our Student Life Codex.
Study group 'Vrij onderzoek'
Study group Vrij Onderzoek cherishes and challenges one of the basic principles of the VUB: free inquiry. This stands for the genuine willingness to abandon any philosophical or moral stance for something new and better, as long as compelling rational arguments have been established for this.
They organise activities such as lectures and debates, focused on the principle of free inquiry. Every VUB student is welcome!
Concreet organiseert deze organisatie activiteiten zoals lezingen en debatten, waarin het principe van het vrije onderzoek centraal staat. Elke VUB-student is welkom!
During the academic year, they meet every Monday evening at 7PM, followed by free discussion and general pleasant get-together.
VUB Main Campus, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel room X5.006
Brussels STudent Organisation - geen taal, geen vrijheid -
The student organisation BSG (Brussels StudentenGenootschap) is the coordinating organ of student societies.
It represents the VUB societies vis-a-vis the academic government and improves a smooth two-way communication with the university. BSG is also in charge of the distribution of subventions, decided by the student council. They manage several facilities (including the BSG student party hall) to support the student organisations of VUB en organise some major student folklore events (including Saint-Vé, Humanistic Singing Festival, mass cantus, opening TD, end of year TD).
Would you like to set up an organisation or have an existing organisation approved? This is also done via the BSG. The conditions for approval can be found in the Student Life Codex. You can find a summary of all the BSG activities and services on the BSG website.
Website bsggtgv@vub.be Facebook
VUB Main Campus, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, lokaal F0.70
Studententijdschrift 'de Moeial'
Student magazine de Moeial is distributed for free every month across the VUB Main and VUB Health Campus. You can also read the articles online. The magazine is only available in Dutch.
The editing team consists entirely of student volunteers and they are always seeking new members to join the team. Itching to put pen to paper? Inspired by what is going on in and around our university? Or do you want to find out how a magazine is put together from A to Z and contribute to it? Come along to the weekly editorial meeting, every Wednesday at 7 PM in the editorial room.
Website redactie@demoeial.be Facebook
VUB Main Campus, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, lokaal X5.001
Overkoepelende studentendienst
OSD vzw or Overkoepelende Studentendienst vzw is an organiszation for and by fellow students. OSD vzw focuses on supporting two target groups: VUB students and VUB organizations.
The OSD vzw was established with the original aim of making knowledge and information accessible to students at the VUB. In the first phase, the various study materials were united, and even today, cursusdienst.net remains one of the main activities. Students can print cheap summaries, readers, slides, etc. via this platform. Students can also buy and sell second-hand books through VUBooks.
They also offer many other forms of student support!
Website osd@vub.be
VUB Main Campus, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, lokaal B0.57