Admission requirements
As a general rule, every study programme comes with its own set of conditions. You will find all the requirements for your chosen programme by clicking 'admission requirements' under the 'programme' tab.
Which degree is required?
You must have a master's degree before applying; the fellowship is for fully-trained cardiologists wanting to acquire skills in interventional cardiac electrophysiology and cardiac pacing. Residents in cardiology can also be considered. As an accepted fellow, you must have full official recognition of your medical doctor and cardiological diplomas in Belgium before starting the course.
- Fellows from an European Union Country must apply for recognition of their diplomas to our Federal Public Service of Health. This procedure can take up to six months.
- Fellows who graduated outside of the European Union must apply for temporary recognition from the Belgian Health Authorities according to the procedure of Art. 146 of the Federal Public Service of Health. In this case you must prove your basic knowledge of Dutch and submit your application for recognition in Dutch following the temporary degree recognition Art. 49ter. In addition, you must be able to submit a certificate of knowledge of the Dutch language (level B) with your dossier. You can find more information on this procedure on the website of our Health Authorities: www.health.belgium.be. This procedure can take up to nine months.
Will I need to sit an entrance exam?
You will not need to sit an entrance exam to begin the programme.
Are there any language requirements?
As the programme is taught in English, you must provide evidence of your English proficiency. You can do this by meeting one of the following criteria:
- You have a diploma of secondary or higher education where English was the language of instruction;
- You have successfully completed secondary education organised (by an educational establishment accredited) by the Flemish, French-speaking or German-speaking Community;
- You have successfully completed one of the following language proficiency tests, corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference with minimum level B2:
- TOEFL iBT with minimum level: 79;
- IELTS with minimum level: academic module 6.5;
- ITACE with minimum level: B2;
- Cambridge English Qualification Scale with minimum level: 170;
- Certificates and other proof of language tests must be no more than five years old on the date of your first enrolment.
Note: if your proof of English proficiency or APS certificate is not ready before the deadline, don't miss it! You can always submit it later.
Are there any other conditions?
Before starting the course you will require full official recognition of your medical doctor and cardiological diplomas in Belgium. Otherwise you will not be permitted to practice in our centre.
- Our institution pays no salary or grant. Financial matters (including grants from the European Heart Rhythm Association or from any other institution) must be arranged by you, as fellow, as well as any travelling and accommodation in Brussels.
- The university registration fee is EUR 200/year.
If you hold a foreign diploma (non-Belgian degree), you have to consider specific administration. Let us guide you through these steps:
Apply now!
You're convinced to start this study? It makes sense: our university is one of the best in Belgium and beyond. Allow us to take you through the steps of the application and enrolment process as swiftly as possible.
If you need help during the application and enrolment procedure, don't panic. We've listed useful tips for your application and enrolment, as well as a step-by-step guide through the entire application procedure and an answer to the most frequently asked questions.