Belgian diploma

New application with a Belgian diploma

The enrolment period starts on 1 July and ends on 30 September 2024. You can however submit an application before 1 July.

Make sure to apply on time (even before the enrolment period). You can add missing documents at a later time as long as it's before 30 September.

The academic year starts on 16 September 2024 (classes start on the 23rd)
Academic calendar

Applying for the second semester is possible until 15 February 2024 (only with a Belgian diploma)

Applications for academic year 2025-2026 will open mid-November

European or International Baccalaureates obtained in Belgium are not considered Belgian diploma's. They are considered equivalent (same access to VUB programmes), but will have to follow the application procedure and deadlines for foreign diploma's.

It's important to submit your application with all required documents before the deadline. You can finish your enrolment after the application deadline. 

Application process with a Belgian diploma

Foreign diploma

New application with a foreign diploma

Applications for 2025-2026 open mid-November 2024.

Non-EEA citizens (incl UK)
  • apply before 1 april 2024 (last day: 31 March)
EEA citizens
Non-EEA citizens living in Belgium with a valid residence permit
  • can apply within EEA-deadlines. If your application is automatically denied by mistake, please send a photo of the front and back of your residence permit to our Student Administration

List of EEA countries

It's important to submit your application with all required documents before the deadline. You can finish your enrolment after the application deadline. 

Application process with a foreign diploma


You were already a VUB student during the past academic year, and you are re-enrolling?
All about re-enrolling

Re-enrol for current programme

E.g.: From the 1st year Bachelor to the 2nd year Bachelor
=> Re-enrol (and register your courses) by 15 October

Continue with subsequent programme

E.g.: From the Bachelor in Psychology to the Master in Psychology
=> Re-enrol by 30 September (regular application deadline)

Apply for a different programme (change studies)

E.G.: You want to re-enrol but change your study programme
=> Submit a new application by 30 September (regular application deadline)

2nd semester

If you (only) want to take 2nd semester courses, re-enrol by 15 February

PhD students

Please complete your re-enrolment by 15 November



1 September

Brussels Diplomatic Academy

classes start on 1 September

Brussels Diplomatic Academy



No deadline

You can apply at any time during the academic year.

Apply for a PhD

Master Urban Studies

Non-EEA citizens

7 February

EEA citizens

15 May

Urban Studies

Guest students

First semester or year courses

18 October 2024

Second semester 

12 March 2025

Interns and PhD-students

apply at least 1 week before the starting date

Apply as a guest student