Public Lane swimming
During the public opening hours you can swim in the large pool or the small pool. The large pool is 25 metres long and has five lanes that go from 1 metre deep at the shallow end to 3 metres deep at the deep end. The small pool is 12 metres by 7 metres and has a moveable floor that our lifeguards can set from 15 to 200 cm deep.
Attention : we want to provide a comfortable environment to "swim lanes" in a safe way. So we limit the number of people that can enter per hour. Please book via the VUB Sport app (see info on the website on how to install and use the app).
Rent the pool or a lane
Not keen on swimming with people you don’t (yet) know? Or would you prefer an aquatic activity other than lane swimming, such as aquajogging or a competitive swimming training? During school and club hours, anyone can rent a lane at the current rates and conditions.
Rates swimming sessions
The rates are indexed yearly on 1 September.
VUB students and staff
- 1 session: € 5.4
- 10 sessions: € 43,6
- 20 sessions: € 81,9
- 50 sessions: € 190,1
Rates swimming sessions
The rates are indexed yearly on 1 September.
VUB alumni and Basic Fit members
- 1 session: € 5.40
- 10 sessions: € 45.9
- 20 sessions: € 86.4
- 50 sessions: € 217.1
Students, teachers and the parents of students at the International School of Brussels also benefit from the alumni rate.
Rates swimming sessions
The rates are indexed yearly on 1 September.
- 1 session: € 5.4
- 10 sessions: € 48.4
- 20 sessions: € 91.8
- 50 sessions: € 230.3
Public opening hours
On weekdays
The main pool is open to the general public for sports or lane swimming. All visitors of the main pool should be able to swim minimum 200m in a comfortable way.
Monday to Friday: from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Thursday: from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
On Saturdays
The large pool is open to the public for lane swimming, and the small pool for family swimming (depth of +/- 65 cm).
From 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
On Sundays
The large pool is open to the public for lane swimming, and the small pool for family swimming (depth of +/- 65 cm).
From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
From Christmas Day to New Year’s Day, on the anniversary of the foundation of VUB/ULB (19 November) and on public holidays
The pool is not open to the public, but the sports infrastructure can be booked for the organisation of events, sports competitions or sports camps.
Wist je dat het VUB-zwembad werd gerenoveerd met de steun van een aantal partners?
De renovatie van het VUB-zwembad kostte 8 miljoen euro. Meer dan de helft daarvan zijn overheidsbijdragen afkomstig van onder meer het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie en de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Ook het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkelingen (EFRO) gaf een aanzienlijke financiële ondersteuning met Europese en Brusselse middelen. Donateurs, alumni en talrijke private sponsors (International School of Brussels, FPIM, Yakult, IPG, Vivaqua en Chaudfontaine) waren ook belangrijke partners bij de realisatie van het vernieuwde VUB-zwembad.