Aquafitness has several advantages: the water provides resistance, which improves your condition and strengthens your muscles. Moreover, the impact on the joints is minimal in the water and the chances of injury are therefore smaller than outside the water.
We offer various forms of aquafitness throughout the year, based on aquagym and aquabike.

A class with background music in shallow water (120-160 cm). By using dumbbells, noodles and gloves that strengthen the muscles, you will quickly notice results.
Riding a bike, in the water? With aquabike you cycle in a group, to music and at a pace set by the instructor. But this is more than just pedalling a bike. The exercises include arm movements and at times you need to stand upright on the pedals. Essentially, it's a whole-body workout.

Participate in a lesson AQUAFIT
To participate in a lesson, you pay your entrance fee for the swimming pool, per session or with a multi session card. You pay for the instructor separately at our reception in building L on campus, before you go to the swimming pool.
Students benefit from a reduced rate on the instructor’s contribution and VUB students enjoy discounted access to the swimming pool when buying a multi session card.