When to see the student psychologist?

Student psychologists have expertise in different study and student related topics, like:

  • Study(stress)
  • Fear of failure
  • Low self-confidence
  • Overthinking
  • Procrastination
  • Difficulties with motivation/concentration
  • Study choice/Reorientation
  • Exam fear/Fear of public speaking
  • ...

Perhaps you are struggling with other (psychological) complaints or problems than the ones listed above, like:

  • Dependence on alcohol, drugs and other substances
  • Experiencing transgressive behaviour 
  • Problems in your home situation 
  • Relationship problems 
  • Loss experiences
  • Sleep problems
  • Self-injurious behaviour
  • Dark thoughts
  • ...

For this, you're also more than welcome to visit a student psychologist for an intake session. The student psychologist will work with you to find appropriate help. 

Take a look at all support on mental well-being

Make an appointment

What can you expect from an intake session?

During an intake session of 50 minutes the student psychologist explores together with you your guiding question and what could be of help to you.

Itā€™s possible that you already got the help you needed during the intake session. In case of need for extra support, individual guidance can be started with the student psychologist or you can be referred to more fitting external aid.

What can you expect from further individual guidance?

Do you start individual guidance with the student psychologist? A maximum of 8 guiding sessions of each 50 minutes can be planned in. Still in need of further follow-up sessions afterwards? In that case there is the possibility to plan in follow-up sessions of 25 minutes or referral to more fitting external aid can be reassessed.

Frequently asked questions

Are you still hesitating to make an appointment or do you have questions about the appointments? We have listed the most frequently asked questions for you here. Still have another question? You can always visit the Meeting Point Study Guidance.

How much does an appointment cost?

Nothing! The whole support offer of Study Guidance is free for all VUB students.

ā€œTo talk in confidenceā€ ā€¦ what does that exactly mean?

Student psychologists have professional secrecy. This means that they can't share information with others (parents, professors, etc.) unless they get explicit permission of the student. In the framework of ā€˜shared professional secrecy of psychologistsā€™, psychologists are allowed to discuss confidential data together to improve the efficiency of their guidance work.

Who are the student psychologists?

A whole team of student psychologists is ready to support you. When booking an appointment, you will be randomly assigned to one of them. All student psychologists treat all topics. Of course, everyone has their own personal style and they know that itā€™s important to make a connection. 

Where do the conversations take place?

When booking an appointment, you can indicate whether you would like to have a conversation on VUB Main Campis, VUB Health Campus or online via Microsoft Teams. You will find the exact location details in your confirmation email which you will receive right after booking an appointment. Please read these instructions carefully.

For future appointments, you'll always be able to choose to have the session online or on campus. You can discuss these options after your first appointment with your psychologist.

Is there a waiting time?

Depending on the period, there can be a waiting time for the intake meeting. In the booking tool you can see when the first free moment is. 

Some tips:

  • Check the different appointment tools; online and on campus. For each appointment, you have the option between online and on campus meetings.
  • Keep an eye on the appointment tool on a regular basis. Sometimes, new free time slots become available.
  • You can book an intake meeting at the earliest 30 days in advance.

In between the intake meeting and the start of individual guidance, there is no waiting time. Weā€™re trying to make sure that regular guiding sessions are possible for every student.

Who can make an appointment?

Who can start an individual guidance programme with a student psychologist?  

All VUB students enrolled in a Bachelor's programme, Master's programme, Bridging programme, Preparatory programme, credit contract, microcredentials programme or Advanced Master (without pay linked to the Advanced Master). Future VUB students are of course also welcome for an intake session to discuss your study choice. 

Who cannot start an individual guidance programme with a student psychologist?

VUB students who are enrolled in an exam contract or in a postgraduate programme or VUB students who receive a salary within their programme, such as PhD students and students of the Advanced Master "Specialistische geneeskunde".

We would like to refer these VUB students to our DIY material and our well-being page.

  • Are you a PhD student? Then you can use the same mental health services as employees. 
  • Are you a student of the Advanced Master "Specialistische geneeskunde"? Then you can find an overview of all wel-being initiatives specific to this course here

Iā€™m not sure if youā€™ll be able to help me with my problem

No problem! Just book an intake session and we will look into your guiding question together and take a look at what type of support would best fit your needs.

How can I cancel my appointment?

If you can no longer attend the booked appointment, we ask you to cancel in time. That way, other students can plan in an appointment as well. Go to the bottom of your confirmation email and click on the Dutch link ā€œUw afspraak wijzigenā€. Via this link youā€™ll be forwarded to the Bookings page where you can cancel or reschedule (= verplaatsen) your appointment.

Do you want to cancel an appointment less than 24h before? Please let us know via the Meeting Point.

I have another question

You can ask your questions via e-mail to guidance@vub.be. We will answer all questions within 3 working days. 

General mental well-being

Are you struggling with (psychological) complaints such as self-injurious behaviour, dark thoughts, coping with a loss experience, relationship problems, ... Check out our tips & tricks or get to know other support services.  

Do it yourself

During your life, all kinds of struggles can come your way, both inside and outside your studies. Good mental and physical health can support you to face these challenges.

Would you like to learn more about certain mental challenges? Check out the following infographics.

First aid for self-injury Dealing with dark thoughts  Dealing with grief


With the referral flyer Navigating your Well-being you have a practical tool to help yourself or others with psychological complaints. This flyer provides an overview of resources and contact points where you can go for professional support.

Do you find it difficult to assess which support will benefit you? You are very welcome to visit the student psychologist for an intake session. The student psychologist will then work with you to find appropriate help.