Online application

Log in, go though all the steps and submit your application. Don't submit an application for someone else and only log in with the student's itsme account, to avoid sending in an application for the wrong person. 

Start your online application

For some programmes, like the English engineering programmes from Bruface, you must apply via a different platform for mandatory prescreening.
Start with the mandatory prescreening

Do you live abroad? Or do you need a visa to come study in Belgium?
Check the visa procedure for foreign students

Application is processed

After you submit your application (within 24 hours), you will get an e-mail confirming that we've received your application. Our student administration will verify if all required documents are included. As soon as this is verified, you will receive an e-mail with further information to finish your enrolment.

Foreign diploma?

Foreign diploma's can't be verified automatically. In this case you'll be asked to pay an application fee to process your application.
Check the enrolment process for students with a foreign diploma 

Non-Flemish diploma (Belgian)

Students with a Belgian diploma from a non-Flemish school are asked to verify their diploma. Other than that, they continue to follow the steps of enrolling with a Belgian diploma on this page.

Any documents missing? 

Please e-mail them to and mention your full name, date of birth and the programme you're applying for. The sooner we have all you documents, the faster we can process your application. Make sure you send in all required documents before the application deadline. The only documents you may provide after the deadline are your proof of language and the APS certificate (if applicable).
Overview required documents

Faculty screening

Your application is processed by our student administration and forwarded to the faculty to check if you meet the academic requirements. They have to approve your application if your previous education doesn't provide you direct access to the programme.

Student administration screening

Your application meets the academic requirements and our student administration is checking all our documents. An application cannot be finished if documents are missing or the quality is insufficient to verify authenticity. You will receive an e-mail if this is the case. If you haven't heard anything, please check your spam folder.

Conditionally accepted

Our student administration will verify your Flemish diploma in the Higher Education Database.  
You don't have to do anything. As soon as the verification is complete, you will receive an e-mail with further information on how to finish your enrolment. If you suspect that your degree is not listed on the database (eg. Because it’s older than 2004), then please send us an email at

Not yet graduated?

If you haven't graduated yet at the moment of your application, you must wait until your academic year is finished. Starting in July, our staff starts verifying diploma's in the Higher Education Database, and you will receive instructions on how to finish your enrolment. If you have to retake exams, we ask you to let us know as soon as soon as you know you've passed and will graduate. Then our administration can take another look in the Higher Education Database to verify your diploma at a later stage.

Belgian diploma from non-Flemish school?

You will have to verify your diploma yourself. 
Find out how to verify your diploma

Foreign diploma?

Students with a foreign diploma follow a different procedure.
Check the enrolment process for students with a foreign diploma

Deferral of acceptance

Please note that the university does not offer deferrals. If you wish to postpone your application to the next academic year, you will be able to submit a new application once the admissions for the next academic year open.


Your application has been approved and you will receive notice that your study contract is ready to be signed

Log in, find your application under 'overview' and sign your online study contract 

Afterwards you'll receive an e-mail confirming the signing of your contract.

If you submitted your application via the Student SelfService (previous application tool), this is how you can sign your online contract.

Finish enrolment

As soon as you sign your study contract, you are officially enrolled and you receive an enrolment certificate on your personal e-mail account. This can be used to buy a public transportation card.
Buy your transportation card

You will also receive your student card and an activation e-mail for your VUB account. With your VUB account you can register your courses for the upcoming academic year.
Register courses

After your enrolment

After your enrolment it's time to start counting down and prepare for the start of the academic year!

Get prepared

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Enrol on campus

It's also possible to enrol in person on VUB Main Campus in Etterbeek. You don't need to apply online and will go through the entire application procedure with one of our staff. This is only available for students applying with a Belgian diploma.

Etterbeek 19 Aug - 5 Sept

Make an appointment in Etterbeek

Jette 19 Aug - 30 Sept

Make an appointment in Jette