Educational quality of the programme

At VUB the quality of the education takes centre stage. This isn't something we say lightly: we scrutinise our programmes regularly to align them with changing student needs in a rapidly changing society.

This programme was audited in 2021.

Our strengths

The panel thinks highly of the intellectual ambition of the programme: the interdisciplinary curriculum, the transdisciplinary nature, the critical and problem-centred approach, the attention to research methodology, etc. The teaching philosophy is not only particularly suited to this type of programme but is also an important feature and strength of the programme. The diversity – both in terms of incoming students and course content – adds a further dimension to the programme that the panel believes is worth cherishing and developing.

The panel encountered a very enthusiastic and energetic team displaying a genuine team spirit. In addition to their clear commitment, staff are also providing students with a first-class education experience. Moreover, the disciplinary and didactic quality of the course instructors and teaching assistants is excellent.


Quality Cycle of Social Sciences
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