Your study programme
Can't get enough of political science? Then don't miss exploring European studies/governance and international politics/relations, as two of its most important fields.
Let's discover the course details!
A second master’s degree with exemptions package
Graduates of this master’s programme have the exclusive opportunity to further their career prospects by pursuing a second (advanced) master’s degree ‘European Governance’ at VUB. Upon enrolling in the advanced master’s programme at the renowned VUB Brussels School of Governance, students will receive an exemptions package that includes 21 credits (ECTS), also covering the thesis requirement.
This advantage leads to a substantial reduction in tuition fees. Moreover, the programme’s evening class schedule (6-9 p.m.) allows students to balance their academic pursuits with daytime professional commitments. The ‘Advanced Master of Science on European Governance’ allows students to deepen their expertise by choosing to focus on one or more critical EU policy areas. Options include external relations and security, the environment, the economy, digitalisation, and migration. For more information on this exclusive opportunity, visit this website.
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At VUB you study at your own pace. With a flexible study pathway you make room for your personal situation (elite sports, dyslexia, disability, etc.). More information?