Application deadlines: 2025-26 intake

31 March 2025 — non-EEA citizens // 31 July 2025 — EEA citizens and residence card holders// 23 September 2025 — Belgian degree holders.

Check out VUB's instructions on application and enrolment for international and Belgian diploma holders. See the list of required documents below and refer to our application manual. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to avoid delays with enrolment. More on application deadlines here

The 2025-2026 academic year begins on SEPTEMBER 15, 2025. Starting in the second semester is not possible for either of our programmes (preparatory and MA). 


Academic requirements

What is important here is the field in which you obtained your previous degree. To be considered for the Master, you are required to meet one of the following academic criteria:

  • Hold a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies (Taal- en Letterkunde) from a Flemish university. Such a degree entitles you to direct access to the master's programme, provided your languages match those studied in the BA.
  • Hold a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Linguistics (Toegepaste Taalkunde) from a Flemish university. Such a degree entitles you to direct access to the Multilingual Mediation and Communication profile of our master's programme, provided your chosen language combination matches languages studied in the BA. Applications to other profiles will be screened to determine the necessity of a preparatory programme (same requirements as for non-Flemish diplomas apply).
  • Hold a degree from a non-Flemish university proving you have obtained at least 60 ECTS credits in linguistics, literary studies and/or language proficiency for every language you wish to major in. Among these 60 ECTS, at least 6 ECTS are in the discipline you choose to study, specifically: 
    • 6 ECTS in linguistics for profiles Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics, Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition; 
    • 6 ECTS in literary studies in the profiles Literary Studies, Intermediality;
    • Exception: for the profile Multilingual Mediation and Communication, applicants need to have obtained at least 60 ECTS in English linguistics, literary studies and/or language proficiency and 30 ECTS (or mother tongue level) in the second language of their choice.
  • Hold a degree in another field AND complete our preparatory programme

Preparatory programme

Don't have a degree in Linguistics and Literary Studies? Not sure if you have enough relevant study credits?

If you have an undergraduate degree in another field of study or do not meet our academic requirements for the master (see above), you can still enrol in the Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies — after completing our preparatory programme. If your previous degree is completely unrelated to linguistics and literary studies in the language you are applying for, you can apply directly to the preparatory programme. 


This preparatory programme takes into account 1) your choice of profile and language(s) for the master 2) the ECTS credits that you have previously obtained in linguistics and literary studies per language you choose. Courses are assigned to you, which means that unlike with the master's programme, you cannot choose which courses to take. That said, the preparatory programme, consisting of bachelor's courses in linguistics and/or literary studies, is tailor-made to your academic needs and goals for the MA. 

The preparatory courses will be assigned to you based on the screening of your transcript of records. Since the preparatory programme consists of BA courses, you can check out the possible options on the page of the Bachelor in Linguistics and Literary Studies (pick a language combination with your language(s) of choice to view the complete list of courses offered for any given language).


If you are accepted, the list of assigned preparatory courses will be sent to you a couple weeks before the start of the academic year and after you officially enrol.

The preparatory programme takes place during the academic year: you start in September and finish classes in May (January, June and August are exam months at VUB). Starting in the second semester is not possible for students of our preparatory and Master programmes. The prep, like the master's programme, is daytime-only; we do not offer night classes. Classes take place on the main VUB campus in Etterbeek, otherwise known as the 'Brussels Humanities and Science Campus'. 

Students who would like to take up one language in their preparatory programme can obtain their master's degree in 1-2 academic years, depending on the number of credits they have been assigned. Opting for two languages is also possible. In this case, students usually graduate from the Master in 2-3 academic years (maximum). Though not recommended, you may take up to 72 ECTS of courses in one year under certain conditions. Get in touch with our faculty's Study Path Counselors to learn more.

Note that it is possible to take courses within your chosen profile in languages other than your chosen language(s), even without an official degree in that language, if you are proficient enough to follow the classes. With this policy, we encourage multilingual learning in different fields of interest.

Language requirements for the master's and preparatory programmes

Firstly, you need to be proficient in English, as this is the primary language of instruction. Prospective students can provide proof by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • Submitting a language test certificate, predating the date of enrolment by no more than 5 years, for one of the exams below:
    • TOEFL iBT with minimum level: 79
    • IELTS with minimum level: academic module 6.5
    • ITACE with minimum level: B2
    • Cambridge English Qualification Scale with the following minimal level: 170
  • Having successfully completed secondary school at a Belgian institution;
  • Having a diploma of secondary or higher education where English was the language of instruction. Please make sure this is shown in your transcript of records or in a certified document from your former education institution.

Submitting proof of proficiency (min. level: B2) in other languages is not necessary, as applicants' mastery of target languages is assessed during the intake interview. 

Required documents

Ready to apply for the Master in Linguistics and Literary Studies? You can start your application via our online  application tool. Please read the programme page to choose a suitable profile (academic plan).   

You will need to upload the following documents:

  • Photo
  • Copy of the front and back of your ID (EEA citizens/residents) OR the personal details page of your international passport (non-EEA citizens)
  • Transcript(s) of record(s): original + translation (EN/FR/NL; if applicable)
    • Do you have several higher education degrees? You never know, there might be relevant credits in there somewhere, so please upload all your higher education transcripts.
    • Did you go on an exchange? We will want to see your exchange courses and credits, too.
  • Copy of bachelor's degree(s): original + translation (EN/FR/NL; if applicable)
    • Haven't graduated yet? You can upload an enrolment certificate from your university confirming 1) your current enrolment in the final year of studies, 2) expected date of graduation and 3) the title of diploma you will obtain (e.g., Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies).
  • Proof of proficiency in English — we accept strictly the types of proof and scores presented above.
  • Motivation letter stating your choice of profile and language(s) — you may use our template.
  • Recommendation letters (2) — you may use VUB's template.
  • CV — you can combine it with the motivation letter into one pdf file if there's no option to upload it separately.

Admission depends on our review of each application, which includes your application files and intake interview. Once we have checked the validity of your documents, you will receive an invitation to book your interview. The interview is conducted in English and the language(s) in which you would like to follow our programme (if applicable; should the other language happen to be your mother tongue, the interview will only take place in English). The interview takes around 30 minutes and is conducted online over Microsoft Teams.

It is important to carefully choose your profile and language(s) since changing profile and language(s) is not recommended after the interview. The faculty will inform you of the results within 1-2 weeks following the interview. Good luck!

Check the most important steps to consider

The tuition fee is the sum of the fixed administrative fee and the variable fee; the latter is calculated based on the amount of credits (ECTS) you register per academic year. For the 2526 academic year, the fixed tuition fee amounts to €299 (Belgian/EEA students)/€ 1.140 (non-EEA students). In variable fees, Belgian/EEA students will pay € 14,30 per 1 ECTS; the rate for non-EEA students is €51 per 1 ECTS. (Non-EEA students are citizens of countries outside the European Economic Area.)

The Master in Linguistics and Literary Studies is a one year programme of 60 ECTS. So, for an annual study load of 60 ECTS, a Belgian/EEA student will pay € 1.157 in tuition fees, while the total for a non-EEA student will amount to € 4.200. Please note that the total payable sum depends on the number of registered ECTS, so the invoice amount may be lower (< 60 ECTS) or higher (> 60 ECTS) than indicated above, which may be the case if you were assigned a preparatory programme. Be aware that non-EEA students must register for 54 ECTS every year they don't graduate, which means that the bulk of the tuition fee will need to be paid in the first few weeks of the academic year; it won't be possible to pay the fee in installments. 


Several scholarships for international students and Belgian nationals are available for those who would like to study linguistics and literary studies in Brussels with us: EEA and non-EEA students alike can apply. Below you will find a list of funding opportunities for your master's studies, including external grant programmes as well as our very own MUMA Scholarship!

MUMA Scholarship (€1,000-€5,000)

At programme level, the Master in Linguistics and Literary Studies offers five scholarships to outstanding first-time applicants. Our scholarship is open to Belgian as well as international students. The grants are awarded as one-time payments, ranging from €1000 (for EEA students) to €3000 or €5000 (for non-EEA students). These grants can thus cover 80-100% of your tuition fee (this scholarship does not come with a tuition fee waiver). You can use your winnings to cover educational expenses; the award is not intended for recurring costs like monthly accommodation, insurance, and other living expenses. 


  • Citizenship: all nationalities. Please note that there are different scholarships for EEA and non-EEA students.
  • Required degree: Bachelor/undergraduate degree 
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 out of 4.0: 
  • Language requirement: Having a language test certificate with the following minimum scores: 102 for TOEFL iBT, 7.5 for IELTS (academic module), C1 level with a minimum score of 191 on the Cambridge English Qualifications, and equivalent. Native speakers qualify for an exemption.
  • You must be accepted to the Master in Linguistics and Literary Studies as a full-time master's student or a preparatory programme student. This means you need to obtain the standard acceptance form (standaardformulier) issued by VUB Student Administration.  
    • Note: If you have not received the standard acceptance form at the time of application, you can submit it by 31 May 2025. If you fail to meet this deadline, your application will be deemed ineligible. We suggest that you start your application to the programme early to meet the scholarship deadline.  


  • The scholarship will be awarded once for the first academic year only. The recipient must register for at least 54 credits in the academic year during which they receive the scholarship. Scholarship recipients cannot apply for the scholarship a second time. The receipt of the scholarship cannot be deferred from one academic year to another. 
  • Applicants can apply for different scholarships, but once they win and confirm acceptance of the MUMA scholarship, they cannot combine the MUMA scholarship with other scholarships from the Flemish government. 
  • Successful applicants may not use the award certificate for their visa application, as the scholarship amount does not meet the stipulated threshold of sufficient financial means required to obtain a Belgian type D visa. Therefore, successful applicants must still need to prove their financial status by opening a VUB blocked account or having a financial guarantor for a Belgian student visa. 
  • An installment of €1000 (for EEA applicants) or €3000/€5000 (for non-EEA applicants) is transferred to the applicant’s Belgian or European account after the student has arrived in Belgium and uploaded the VUB registration (enrolment) certificate.  

How to apply  

Submit your complete scholarship application by May 31, 2025 via THIS FORM. Documents to be uploaded via the form: 

  • Passport photo 
  • International passport or national ID 
  • The standard acceptance form (Standaardformulier) from VUB Student Administration. If your standard acceptance letter arrives after the scholarship application deadline, you have until 31 May 2025 to send it to
  • Scholaro GPA certificate. You can generate it here: If your school already calculates the GPA on a 4.0 scale, simply upload your transcript of records again.
  • Copy of acquired diploma(s); if written in a language other than Dutch, French, German or English, a certified translation must be enclosed.
  • Transcript of records; if written in a language other than Dutch, French, German or English, a certified translation must be enclosed. 
  • English language test results. Contact to see if you qualify for an exemption.
  • A Curriculum Vitae (including, if applicable, your publications, academic awards, previous scholarships, etc.). 
  • A letter of motivation written in English.
  • Two signed letters of recommendation from professors at your previous university or recent employer written in English. These letters can be from the same people who recommend you for the programme admission. Please make sure the letters specifically recommend you for the scholarship.  

If you are unsure about certain documents or have any questions, please send an email promptly to


  • Scholarship application submission: 31 May 2025 
  • Standard acceptance form submission: 31 May 2025

Essay Writing Prize from PlagiarismSearch ($1,000)

Every year, the plagiarism checker platform PlagiarismSearch holds an essay competition with a prize fund of $1,000. The essay topics for this year revolve around AI in education. This competition does not have any geographical restrictions, but you will need to prove your student status to be eligible for the grant. Learn more about the requirements and application procedure here. Application deadline: May 20, 2025.

Study a Masters in Europe Scholarship (€5,000)

Keystone Education Group's platform awards one €5,000 scholarship a year, opening its call to globally-minded students from all over the world who wish to study abroad in Europe for their master's degree. Click here for this scholarship's eligibility criteria and application procedure. Application deadline: May 15, 2025 at 12:00 CEST.

Scholarship from the Flemish Government (up to €6,800)

You may also apply for a scholarship from the Flemish Government, provided you meet their nationalitystudy and financial conditions. More information on FG scholarships can be found here. Application deadline: June 1 of the academic year in which you are enrolled (i.e., if you are pursuing your studies in 2025-2026, you can apply for financial support from the Flemish Government until 1 June 2026).

The Master Mind Scholarship (€10,000)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is a partner of several organisations, including the Flemish Higher Education Council (VLUHR). Every year, the Council accepts applications for its Master Mind scholarship. The Master Mind scholarship comes with a tuition fee waiver and is paid in increments; for Master Mind eligibility criteria and procedure, see this page. Normally, the application deadline is in late February-early March of the year when you plan to begin your studies. The call for the academic year 2025-2026 has not been launched yet; keep an eye on the page above. 

The Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship ($30,000)

The BAEF offers fourteen one-time study grants to eligible applicants on an annual basis. You must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America to apply. More eligibility criteria and a description of the application procedure are outlined on this page. Annual application deadline: October 31 of the year preceding your studies (i.e., to receive a grant for the academic year 2026-2027, you must submit your application by October 31, 2025).

Apply now!

You're convinced to start this study? It makes sense: our university is one of the best in Belgium and beyond. Allow us to take you through the steps of the application and enrolment process as swiftly as possible.

If you need help during the application and enrolment procedure, don't panic. We've listed useful tips for your application and enrolment, as well as a step-by-step guide through the entire application procedure and an answer to the most frequently asked questions.

All the support during your application and enrolment

Be prepared

Keen to join us? Making all the necessary preparations helps you embark on your studies with peace of mind. If you don't have a degree in Linguistics and Literary Studies, chances are that you will need to follow our preparatory programme. Get in touch with the study path counsellor to discuss your study path. Contact the study path counselor

In need of some help with your language skills? Our VUB Language Centre ACTO offers language classes. If you are an international student, it is also the place where you can sit the ITACE test to demonstrate your language abilities.

If you've been accepted to the programme, you should start preparing for your stay in Brussels.

Ready, set, study!

Application and enrolment process at a glance

VUB/MUMA application process