Educational quality of the programme
At VUB the quality of the education takes centre stage. This isn't something we say lightly: we scrutinise our programmes regularly to align them with changing student needs in a rapidly changing society.
Information on the educational quality of each programme is public, e.g. describing its strengths and ctions. For this interuniversitairy programme, this information is provided by the partner institution. More details can be found here.
Our strenghts
- The attractive, challenging two-year programme provides education and training in the broad field of biomedical engineering, while at the same time preserving the possibility for students to develop their own track within our two major clusters: healthcare and medical device design. Thanks to the collaboration between VUB and Ghent University and continuous updates in our programme, we provide research-based education of an excellent international level in both well-developed areas, such as medical imaging, medical and radiation physics or biomechanics, and newly emerging domains, such as neuro-engineering, micro- and nanotechnologies or assistive technologies.
- True interdisciplinary education: it takes more than a profound technical know-how to function in the biomedical and healthcare sector. It is just as important to understand the specificities of 'living matter' and the complexity of designing and developing for and with the patient. As you will learn and understand the perspective of the clinician and all stakeholders in the biomedical and healthcare ecosystem (government, insurances, industry, health institutions,…), you'll become the preferred and equal partner of the medical doctor, rather than just a technology provider.
- The Master in Biomedical Engineering was among the first to offer its complete curriculum in English. Thanks to its integration within an international consortium of five universities (providing an international program in biomedical engineering with compulsory mobility), our student group is effectively international, alllowing you to experience a genuine international and intercultural dimension. In the second year, you will also have the opportunity to take courses with one of our partner universities abroad.
- Medical technology (MedTech) is the fastest growing sector in Belgium with a lot of activities in start-ups and small and medium sized enterprises. Entrepreneurship and design thinking are stimulated via project work (medical product development) in year 1 and project work with a hospital partner in year 2. Moreover, you will be exposed to the biomedical engineering and MedTech ecosystem in extra-muros activities, such as the National Day on Biomedical Engineering, the Biomedical Industry Day, company visits and visits to MedTech fairs. Through MedTech Flanders, you will benefit from access to business accelerator programmes.
- The programme is provided by a highly motivated and dynamic multi-disciplinary team of professors and supporting staff from Ghent University and VUB. We value the close interaction with our students and student association BEAM (Biomedical Engineering and More), and take pride in the active participation of our students in the programme board.
- The interuniversity character of the programme requires continuous efforts and vigilance to optimize student and teaching staff mobility, timetables and organization of exams. Communication with the administrations and staff is required to facilitate information exchange. Student access to the e-learning platforms at Ghent University and VUB should be automated as much as possible.
- Student recruitment and selection: Appropriate selection and admission of international students remains complex and a non-trivial task. The envisioned international ambiance and interaction among students can only work when students have the right background, are proficient in English and are of a sufficiently high academic level.
What is the programme working on now?
- The BME ecosystem: Hospitals, corporate business and spin-offs in medical technology and healthcare are important partners for the BME programme, and we stimulate active collaboration and interaction through the industry advisory board, company visits and the yearly organization of a Biomedical Industry Day. The BME engineering student organisation, BEAM, plays an important role in our BME ecosystem and, more and more, plays the role of interface between the study programme committee and industry. For the last few years, BEAM has successfully taken over the organization of our yearly Biomedical Industry Day, organizes frequent events with the industry and aims for an active engagement in alumni activities. Entrepreneurship is stimulated directly and indirectly.
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