Is this post graduate programme for you?

Wondering if the post graduate programme AI for the common good would be a good fit for you? Have a look at the information below to find out.

What does this programme involve?

The programme is organised around the different dimensions of innovation instead of around AI, because the specific context of an institution plays a crucial factor in innovation, and a better connecting factor than an unknown and often misunderstood scientific field like AI.

However, because of the many prejudices among novices in the domain of AI, and the wildly varying backgrounds, we will start with a compulsory module to introduce AI. Equally, we include a final and compulsory โ€œcase studyโ€ module where the students need to integrate what they have learnt, honing their holistic understanding of AI and innovation, as well as their interdisciplinary skills. These case studies will be published online and serve as marketing materials.


For who?

The programme has been developed for professionals that are directly or indirectly involved, or wish to be involved in innovation with AI. This means the training is particularly useful for you in the following roles:
โ€“ Innovation, project and product managers
โ€“ Functional analyst, solution & enterprise architects
โ€“ Project officers at funding agencies
โ€“ Business developers
โ€“ HR managers and recruiters
โ€“ Legals


The FARI AI Academy

FARI is an independent non-profit initiative in the field of artificial intelligence under the guidance of two Brussels universities: the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Universitรฉ libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

The FARI AI Academy offers various courses and trainings on AI aimed at helping citizens and organizations. We serve as the educational arm of FARI with the mission to inspire the development and implementation of ethical, responsible, and transparent AI solutions.

Discover the FARI AI Academy