Build the Science Shop of the future through your own research!
To bring students, researchers, and organisations together to create sustainable cooperation. And all of that is based on scientific research for the benefit of society. That is the greatest challenge of the Science Shop. The project desperately needs you, as a member of the VUB community, to achieve that goal!
Science what now?
The Science Shop is an initiative of the VUB and the UAntwerpen, which offers support to non-profit organisations through scientific research. As a participant of the Science Shop, you will carry out such research (students) or act as a supervisor (academic staff) in the context of a (group) project within a course unit, a final project (Bachelor's or Master's thesis), or from your research interest.
But it can also be the other way around: if you are working on a socially relevant project, you are more than welcome at the Science Shop for scientific support.
The Science Shop brings students and supervisors into contact with the partner organisation and acts as the facilitator and mediator between the two parties. Together we seek answers to scientific questions. Those answers contribute to the organisation's functioning. On top of that, they often find their way into policy documents, letters, and advice. In other words, your research will have a great social impact!
Science win-win!
The project is a real win-win story for both students and researchers or teachers. As a student, you will answer the research question in cooperation with the organisation and gain relevant research experience. As an experienced researcher or teacher, you guide the student in that process and build a strong and priceless network for your research or teaching practice. Moreover, both as a student and as a supervisor, you will provide research results that are immediately useful to the social partners. So it is a real win-win for everyone who participates!
The Science Shop database is the platform where all those involved meet in the first instance. The partner organisation can submit questions; the student, teacher, or researcher can sign up for topics of interest, and the Science Shop does the rest! So don't hesitate and participate in this project!
You are…
- A student/researcher/teacher
- Critical
- Enthusiastic
- Communicative
- Committed
- Bitten by socially engaged research!
What’s in it for you?
- You will actively contribute to strengthening and enlarging the commitment of the VUB to society
- You build a priceless network
- For researchers and lecturers: your research and teaching practice will be enriched by unique input from the field
- For students: you increase your (scientific) knowlegde, learn to apply it in a real-life context, and build on your communication skills
Contact details
Projectleader: Floor Keersmaekers
E-mail: Floor.Keersmaekers@vub.be
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.