Why an honorary doctorate? 

April 2019. Pioneering scientist Robbert Dijkgraaf receives an honorary doctorate from VUB.

Oh so beautiful, science

Robbert Dijkgraaf's vigorous efforts to teach the general public about the beauty of science bear witness to his effervescent passion for the subject. His civic achievements, his optimistic plea to look confidently to the future, his belief in the resilience of mankind and in science as a solution to many problems, inspire VUB. At the university, 2019 is all about the beauty, power and wisdom of science, according to Rector Caroline Pauwels. Dijkgraaf is the perfect ambassador for making science accessible to all and expanding many horizons.

The truth and nothing but the truth. It is of all times and of all people. Sometimes clear and visible, sometimes hidden behind opinions, theories, attitudes toward life. That makes it interesting, difficult, and easy. Sometimes it shows itself immediately, sometimes it requires a more meticulous search. And if you want to find the truth, intuition is a good advisor. Listen to your inner voice and walk the path of instinct. Where you end up, you’ll find the truth. Or perhaps not?

“Truth is a process, beauty is a compass that guides many great scientists.”

About his career

Communicative science

1989. Robbert Dijkgraaf departs, bearing a solid diploma and doctoral title, for the US to take his first professional steps in research at Princeton University - the mecca of string theory - and the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS). He stays for three years and then returns to the Netherlands, where he teaches mathematical physics at the University of Amsterdam.

Dijkgraaf's domain of knowledge extends to string theory, quantum gravity, and the boundary area between mathematics and particle physics. In string theory, two mathematical concepts bear his name, together with those of his equally inspired colleagues: the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants (with Edward Witten) and the Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde equation (with Edward Witten, Erik Verlinde and Herman Verlinde). 

In 2003, Dijkgraaf receives the Spinoza Prize, the highest Dutch distinction in science, for his mathematical contribution to string theory. It gains him one and a half million euros, which he uses to strengthen his research group, develop exciting study materials and actively involve students in his passion: the research group.

Dijkgraaf is not only a gifted teacher, but also a passionate speaker and writer of opinion pieces. He is constantly striving to make a young and talented audience enthusiastic about physics. The many recognitions do not stop there. To name but a few: in 2012 he receives the Comenius Prize (for contributions to the development of international society), and in 2013 Radboud University in Nijmegen awards him an honorary doctorate. Throughout his career, Dijkgraaf has been a visiting professor at leading universities such as Harvard, Berkeley and Kyoto, an editor and a scientific advisor at international institutes.

Dijkgraaf shrinks the gap between science and society. He is a columnist for NRC Handelsblad, where he writes for a large audience on science, art, and many other subjects. The popularisation of science is his grail. Every month, he introduces young scientists in the TV programme De wereld draait door. He is also the initiator and sponsor of proefjes.nl, a website featuring everyday experiments for children aged eight and over.

In 2017, Dijkgraaf presents his own documentary series The mind of the universe for the VPRO, in which he interviews world-famous, leading scientists. Until that year, he is co-chairman of the InterAcademy Council (IAP), where academies affiliated worldwide work together to support the vital role of science.

The Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants

String theory, quantum gravity, mathematics, and particle physics.

The Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde-equations

Two mathematical concepts are named after him and his colleagues.

What is an honorary doctorate?

VUB has awarded honorary doctorates every year since 1978 to personalities from the most diverse backgrounds who have made a remarkable contribution to their field and to society. From this solemn moment of recognition, they bear the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa of VUB. 

All about honorary doctorates