Why an honorary doctorate? 

October 1993 Frederik Willem de Klerk receives - together with Nelson Mandela - an honorary doctorate from VUB.


De Klerk is still President of South Africa in October 1993. It is no less than legendary, his drive to bring the South African people out of oppression. Non-violently, as it should be. He who fights evil with evil will never extinguish evil.

De Klerk is like a righteous, democratic, humanitarian stream that breathes new life into the country. Equality never opts for black or for white, but for the existential right to be/be well. What de Klerk accomplishes runs like a beautiful parallel path alongside the ideals of VUB. The same goal lies near and far.

Faith is a weapon that does not shoot. Apart from any religion, then, it pushes man into his strength. It helps to see ideals not on the horizon, but here, close by. Feasible, tangible. Frederik Willem de Klerk gives the colour of promise to his words and fulfils his deeds with fervent integrity. His fundamental conviction that everyone has a right to justice is oxygen in the fire of his actions and commitment. Over and over again, because then hope and faith can never die.

“We’re doing what we do because we believe it is right.”

About his career


Engages in dialogue on the post-apartheid constitution and releases Nelson Mandela after 27 years in detention.

Peace prizes

Frederik Willem De Klerk and Nelson Mandela work together in the struggle for peace and the non-violent struggle for anti-apartheid in South Africa.


Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize


Nobel Peace Prize: received together with Nelson Mandela.


Global Leadership Foundation

Peace be upon you

Frederik Willem de Klerk studies law and starts a law firm in Vereeniging, a South African town in the province of Gauteng. In 1902, Boers and Englishmen held a peace conference there. Is it a coincidence that peace plays such a role in his later life as well?

In 1969, his election made him a Member of Parliament and in '78 he ended up in the Cabinet. A few years later, in 1982 to be precise, de Klerk becomes chairman of the Nasionale Party, a white nationalist party in the province of Transvaal. He has a reputation for being conservative.

Still 1989. When President Botha steps down after a stroke, de Klerk proves to fit well in his footsteps. In September, he officially becomes the new president of South Africa. And he is quick to speak up. Already in 1990, de Klerk bans the ANC (African National Congress), the South African Communist Party, and other organisations.

De Klerk enters into a dialogue on the post-apartheid constitution with representatives of the four racial groups: white, black, coloured, and Asian. On the very memorable date of 10 February 1990, the brand new President announces that on 11 February, Nelson Mandela will be allowed to close the prison doors behind him forever.

Frederik Willem de Klerk regularly meets black leaders and in 1991 his government repeals racially discriminatory laws. In the referendum he organises in 1992, almost 69% of the white voters support his reform policy. He sits down with Mandela (and other black leaders) and they talk about a new, non-racial South Africa. Meanwhile, his government is committed to dismantling the basis of the apartheid system.

In 1994, Mandela succeeds de Klerk and becomes vice-president in his government. When the clock strikes 1997, de Klerk steps out of politics. In 2000, he sets up the F.W. de Klerk Foundation, a non-partisan organisation that promotes peaceful activities and holds South Africa's fledgling democracy close.

In 2004, he lays the foundations of the Global Leadership Foundation, a non-profit organisation - full of former heads of state or government - that aims to help developing countries strengthen democratic thinking and resolve conflicts.

What is an honorary doctorate?

VUB has awarded honorary doctorates every year since 1978 to personalities from the most diverse backgrounds who have made a remarkable contribution to their field and to society. From this solemn moment of recognition, they bear the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa of VUB. 

All about honorary doctorates