OSLOK is the alumni association for alumni Physical Education and Sports & Movement Sciences and Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. We organise or participate in events and support initiatives that ensure existing contacts to be maintained and the expansion of (y)our network.
Join our alumni network to stay up to date with the latest news!
OSLOK is a collaboration of:
- The Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
- De Ronde Schare, former praesidium of Mesacosa,
- Mesacosa, student association of the VUB students of our faculty.
OSLOK's mission includes the following objectives:
- putting former colleagues (back) in touch with each other and intensifying those contacts,
- maintaining ties with recent graduates,
- developing a network of graduates to improve the image of the quality of the training received,
- recruiting new students for the faculty.
Mesacosa (formerly HILOK) unites students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports & Movement Sciences and Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is managed both for and by students of our faculty.
The aim of our association is, on the one hand, to promote the interests of the students our faculty and, on the other hand, to provide student folklore for its students.
Mesacosa is derived from the Latin phrase "Mens sana in corpore sano" (a healthy mind in a healthy body). A lifestyle we very much believe in and aim to promote among our peers.
De Ronde Schare
De Ronde Schare is the association of former praesidium of Mesacosa. Its goals are to ensure the positive and permanent functioning of Mesacosa with advice and support and to continue to bring together former fellow students of the faculty in the HILOK/Mesacosa ambiance.
We organise or participate in events and support initiatives that ensure existing contacts to be maintained and the expansion of (y)our network.
You will find us here, among others:
- LK Generations
- Graduation Ceremony LK
- Mesacosa gala
- Brussels Universities VUB cyclocross
- (Winter/Water)Sports outings
- Saint-Vé
- Concerts by the VUB Orchestra
OSLOK on Facebook
We have a public Facebook group for news and activities of our faculty and its alumni, and for vacancies and internships within our professional sector.
LinkedIn-vacancy page of the faculty LK - VUB
Here you will find vacancies by and for students and alumni of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Contact us
Alumni office of the Faculty LK
Laure Vandevelde
+32 (0)2 629 27 09
Building L – Office 2.14
Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussels
Alumni office De Ronde Schare
Bart Geelen
+32 (0)2 629 26 25
Building X1
Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussels
Student association Mesacosa
Emilio Callies
Building L
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels

Alumni Physical Education and Physiotherapy