Jan Danckaert
In the media

Rector Jan Danckaert in De Morgen on increasing polarisation

"It's understandable that not everyone is immediately aware of what our university stands for. This is a tremendous opportunity to reach out to them."

August Vermeylen

"Without Vermeylen, There Would Be No VUB!"

Hans Vandevoorde on his new biography of Flemish activist and Belgian loyalist August Vermeylen

Ruth Lasters

"As a citizen or artist, it is becoming increasingly difficult to have a critical conversation with the government"

Ruth Lasters is a guest speaker at the Celebration of the Open Mind of the VUB

Jonathan Holslag

Professor Jonathan Holslag invites influential defence expert Elbridge Colby to Brussels

Why America focuses on China (and why Europe must stand on its own)

Tom De Cock

“We no longer want to be confronted with opinions we don’t like."

Tom De Cock is is a guest speaker at the Celebration of the Open Mind by the VUB

Jonas Geirnaert

“If no one ever feels offended or hurt, you’re probably not doing it right”

Jonas Geirnaert is a guest speaker at the Celebration of the Open Mind by the VUB

Academische opening 2024

Dining Together After the Celebration of the Open Mind

“Why not continue the party at a Brussels restaurant?”

hugo thiepont

Hugo Thienpont bids farewell as vice-rector for Innovation and Valorisation

“You can’t get a degree in being an inventor. The closest is engineering”

Slapende vrouw

“A lot of research on dreams has long been on the wrong track”

VUB psychologist Aurore Roland explores the limits of dreamland


‘A free spirit also means letting go of the expectations of the outside world’

Ão to perform at the Celebration of the Open Mind


Caroline Pauwels awarded posthumous honorary doctorate in South Africa

VUB honorary rector celebrated for her sustained contribution to society by the University of the Western Cape | Follow the presentation via livestream on Friday at 18.30

Elisabeth Lucie Baeten

“I don’t attack people personally. That’s where I draw the line.”

Elisabeth Lucie Baeten is a guest speaker at the Celebration of the Open Mind.

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