In the 2022-2023 Facts & Figures, you'll find everything about the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: our academic and support staff, our students, our campuses, and our research. We discuss our position in Brussels and the broader international context, as well as our global ranking status. It encompasses our history and milestones, forming the foundation of our values today. This edition also covers our university hospital, UZ Brussel, and the pioneering science conducted there.
The VUB exudes confidence, as evident from the latest Facts & Figures. Our total staff numbers a remarkable 3,978, not including UZ Brussel. The student population has grown by a solid three percent to 22,313. They benefit from an innovative blended learning environment. In 2023, our academics published 3,310 articles in prestigious scientific journals. Their research budget for the year was €144,240,920. Scientific endeavour at VUB is stronger than ever. The university invested €23 million in core facilities for research; laboratories or scientific instruments accessible to various research groups. Our alumni have achieved global success and show their gratitude to VUB through various commitments. Our athletes are poised to make a significant impact at the upcoming Olympic Games.
Yet our ambition does not mean we leave anyone behind. This too is reflected in the Facts & Figures. VUB is an inclusive university where working students are afforded every opportunity. Efforts are focused on an ‘Equality Action Plan’. Students with recognised needs can access tailored learning paths. Study counsellors are always ready to assist. Refugees can pursue their studies through the InCampus programme. And then there is our academic hospital, UZ Brussel, where thousands of patients are treated daily by dedicated nurses and doctors.
Not only does this popular report succinctly present VUB, but it also allows staff and services to easily adopt ready-made visuals with key figures for their own presentations. They can find these at the end of this week on the VUB Brand Style Platform at max.vub.be.