On 17 February, the theatre production Peekaboo will be performed at Pilar on the VUB campus. Unfortunately, the show is already sold out, but in this interview, theatre-maker Maxime Dreesen explains the purpose behind the production. In this performance, which explores public sexuality and cruising, he encourages people to dare to navigate the winding paths of sexuality. “It sometimes feels as though pleasure has faded into the background.” Sexologist and VUB professor Hubert van Puyenbroeck has observed in his practice that young people today seem to approach relationships and sexuality with greater awareness.

Peekaboo - 17 februari 2025 - Pilar - UITVERKOCHT

Where did the idea for Peekaboo come from?

Maxime Dreesen: “Many of my earliest sexual experiences didn’t take place in a bed or within the four walls of a bedroom, but rather in public spaces—on the beach, in the dunes, or in the woods near my childhood home. Growing up, my friends and I felt a certain freedom to experiment, and through that playfulness, I had my first encounters with sexuality.

It was only later that I discovered cruising was something people actively engage in and that there are designated places for it. That intrigued me, so I started reading more about it. To me, cruising represents something I feel is missing in our society—pleasure surrounding sexuality sometimes seems to have faded into the background. I wanted to create a tribute to spontaneous encounters and to sexuality as a form of play. Sexuality doesn’t always have to follow a straight path. If you follow your desires, you might just discover some beautiful winding roads along the way.”*

Many people associate cruising with motorway rest stops and danger. Is that what you’re advocating?

“No, the performance is inspired by elements of cruising, but it’s not necessarily a call to go cruising in the way you describe. It’s true that nowadays, cruising is associated with a very specific community, but did you know that even at the court of Louis XIV, secret encounters took place in carriages or hidden away in the woods? These were spaces where forms of sexuality could be celebrated that weren’t permitted at court.

With this production, I want to broaden the understanding of cruising. Instead of seeing it solely as fleeting, anonymous sexual encounters in the dark, why not think of it as a fun afternoon with friends by the lake? So no, this isn’t a call to start cruising at a motorway rest stop. Rather, I want to encourage people to view sexuality beyond the confines of four walls and a single partner. There are so many more sensations to take in—sound, light, wind, a different environment. I find all of that inspiring.

Sexuality is also about more than penetration. That’s why there are very few references in the performance to penetration, oral sex, or masturbation.”

maxime dreesen

Maxime Dreesen

People play with each other like animals. It’s almost a performance"

Is the performance itself sexually stimulating?

"I hope so. Each performer wears a microphone, so you can hear every moan, every little sound, every kiss—it brings you incredibly close to the experience. I’ve already heard from audience members that they weren’t just moved or entertained, but that they also felt tingles, even arousal, inspiring them to explore things for themselves. I think that’s beautiful. It’s not porn, but there is definitely excitement among the audience."

Your previous production was performed in schools, where you received both touching and intense reactions. This time, you’re not taking it to schools because it’s too explicit. Do you think young people are more prudish now than when you were in secondary school?

"Not in general, but the differences between young people have become more pronounced. Some have become more reserved, while others are the opposite—more open than ever. This polarisation reinforces both sides in their beliefs. The more freedom exists, the more some people push back against it—and vice versa."

You want sexuality to be more playful and free. Can that really happen in a safe way?

"There is no such thing as ‘safe sex’. Sex is, by its very nature, not safe. If you want complete safety, you’d have to wrap yourself in an airtight suit so that no microbes, bacteria, or bodily fluids are exchanged. Of course, there are many ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections, and I fully support those, but we need to move away from the illusion that sex can ever be entirely safe. Clinging to that idea gets in the way of pleasure."

Finally, was there a particular place you had in mind while creating this production?

"Yes—Gran Canaria. There’s a beautiful cruising area there where the police tolerate the activity. Imagine a vast and stunning fairytale-like landscape in the dunes. The area is divided into different zones where people with different sexual desires come together. People play with each other like animals. It’s almost a performance."

VUB Professor of Relationship and Family Therapy: Hubert Van Puyenbroeck

Clinical sexologist and professor of relationship and family therapy, Hubert Van Puyenbroeck, works with young people and adults in his private practice, helping them navigate questions about relationships and sexuality. He recognises the need for many young people to experiment. “I see a lot of openness among young people, but at the same time, they approach sexuality with more awareness than in the past.”

With Peekaboo, Maxime Dreesen wants to encourage people to see sexuality beyond four walls and a single partner. Does this reflect a need you recognise in your practice?

Hubert Van Puyenbroeck: "Absolutely. Young people are finding their own way when it comes to sexual and romantic orientation (who they experience romantic and sexual feelings for), sexual experiences (what or who excites them), and different relationship structures (open relationships, monogamy, polyamory, ‘situationships’…). On top of that, they’re also exploring gender identity, gender expression, and gender dysphoria. We receive questions about all of these topics in clinical practice.

From these conversations, it’s clear that young people often encounter awkwardness—sometimes from adults, sometimes from their peers. And that’s understandable. How do you handle it as a parent if your child is experimenting with their gender expression? How do you respond when a classmate starts a gender transition? Everyone is figuring it out as they go.

What I do notice, though, is that young people themselves tend to have a healthy openness towards diversity in relationships and sexuality. For example, when reports of homophobic violence appear in the media, many young people are rightly upset. In that sense, this performance absolutely aligns with conversations already happening among young people. And, in fact, we owe a lot to productions like this for keeping these discussions alive. More than many other forms of media, theatre plays a vital role in shaping how people perceive the diversity of modern relationships and sexuality.”

Read more below the image.

"Young people today seem to approach relationships and sexuality with greater awareness"

Hubert Van Puyenbroeck

Hubert Van Puyenbroeck

Are young people experimenting more than before?

"Experimentation is a natural part of adolescent development—that hasn’t changed over time. What has changed is the society in which young people are growing up. Take pornography, for example. Forty years ago, it wasn’t as readily available as it is today. Now, it’s almost standard on a smartphone, whereas before, you’d have to venture into the back corner of a video rental shop.

Young people—and adults, too—have to learn how to navigate this level of exposure. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re engaging in more concerning behaviours. International research consistently shows that most young people take their time exploring relationships and sexuality at their own pace. The availability of explicit content doesn’t mean they’re skipping important steps. A first sexual experience is still typically preceded by plenty of exploration—kissing, cuddling…

Most young people begin their sexual and romantic lives with a healthy set of values, an awareness of boundaries, and a strong emphasis on mutual consent and respect.”

Does this focus on boundaries make young people more prudish?

"As a society, we’ve learned a lot from the cases of abuse and misconduct that have come to light in recent years. We’re far more aware of these issues now than we were in the past. But is that prudishness? I don’t think so.

Young people today seem to approach relationships and sexuality with greater awareness. On the one hand, they are open-minded, but on the other, they are also mindful of how to explore with respect—for both themselves and others. Finding that balance is a key part of growing up, and I’d say it’s a healthy journey."

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