At the start of the academic year, VUB Rector Jan Danckaert expressed his concern over the growing religious influence on campus. "Some students are retreating into religious values."

Danckaert cites the ongoing issue his university faces with prayer rooms as an example. Although they are not permitted on campus, the VUB receives requests for them every year, which the university consistently denies. As a result, students have been occupying rooms without permission to pray or meditate. This mostly involves Muslim students, but also others of different faiths.

"Our mission is research and education," says Danckaert. "Religion is a private matter."

Read the full article in De Morgen (behind a paywall and in Dutch).

Feest van de Vrije Geest SOLD OUT

Celebration of the Open Mind

On Friday, 20th September at 4:00 PM, the VUB will set the Royal Circus in Brussels ablaze with the Celebration of the Open Mind. A line-up of well-known opinion leaders and (spoken word) artists will, in their own unique way, express what freedom means to them: Guy Mortier, Rudi Vranckx, Elisabeth Lucie Baeten, Christophe Busch, Sara Leemans, Dena Vahdani, Ruth Lasters... And there will be plenty of music too, thanks to Ão, a band currently making waves with their distinctive blend of saudade, indie, and electronica.