
Monday, 18 December, 2023 up to and including Friday, 22 December, 2023 - 09:00 until 15:00

Royal Library of Belgium, Kunstberg 28, 1000 Brussel
Within the framework of the Willy Calewaert Chair

The exhibition is part of the celebration of 40 years of research at the VUB AI Lab in Brussels. The curator is Luc Steels, holder of the Willy Calewaert Chair 2024, for which the VUB collaborates every year with

In the exhibition you can watch videos of interviews, lectures and panels with the scientists who were at the cradle of the development of this new science, such as Nobel laureates Christian de Duve, Manfred Eigen, Roger Penrose and Ilya Prigogine. There are also videos of conversations with Francisco Varela, Chris Langton, Stuart Kauffman, Rodney Brooks: scientists involved in research on neural networks and the development of animats, dynamic, embodied robotic agents inspired by nature.