Become the greenest dorm of the VUB thanks to Greenhouse bash!
Do you live in a dorm at the VUB? Do you care about the environment, but don't always know how to make a difference? Do you like fun challenges? Then Greenhouse bash is something for you!
You probably know it: you are in your room at your student residence and want to cook in the kitchen. In your haste, you forget to switch off the light when you leave your room. As a result, unnecessary lights are burning in your room while you are not there. This example seems small and innocent, but if you add all these small and innocent problems together, you get a real problem. Moreover, there are many students who understand the seriousness of the problem but don't know how to make a concrete difference.
Every week, Greenhouse Bash gives you new, fun assignments to become more environmentally aware. You complete these assignments and send your proof of accomplishment, such as a picture, to Greenhouse Bash. In this way you gather knowledge about certain environmental topics and how you should approach them. Moreover, you can do these assignments in a real competition against other dorms. You will be rewarded with little surprises if you are the winner, which is another reason to really go for it! At the end of the ride, thanks to your perseverance, you also have a chance to win the famous title of most sustainable room of the VUB. A project you can be proud of during the assignments but also long afterwards! Do not hesitate and register today and do your bit for the environment in a pleasant way!
You are...
- A VUB student who lives in a VUB dormitory
- Concerned about your personal impact on the environment
You have...
- Feel like reducing your ecological footprint in a fun, creative way
- Great workmates who want to take on a weekly challenge together with you
What's in it for you?
- You gain knowledge about the environment
- You reduce your ecological footprint
- The project brings you and your roommates closer together
- Occasionally, when you complete an assignment well, you will be rewarded with small gifts
- You have a chance of winning the title of 'most sustainable room in the VUB'.
Contact details
Projectleader: Hannah De Cauter
E-mail: Greenteam@vub.be
TEL: 0475790321
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.