What does the GreenTeam do?
The GreenTeam informs about sustainability challenges and solutions through campaigns and events. The GreenTeam engages the VUB community and takes action towards a sustainable study, work and living environment. The GreenTeam engages in collaborations with students, staff, departments and external stakeholders to broaden and strengthen its impact.
What can you do?
Take a look at our portfolio below and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for news about projects, sustainable research, refreshing announcements, atmospheric events and our personal tips.
A genius sustainable idea for the campus? Any suggestions, questions or requests? Send us an email at greenteam@vub.be or slide into our DMs on Facebook or Instagram. Working as a student with the GreenTeam? Get in touch or keep an eye on our social media and the VUB job database. We usually recruit at the end of the academic year.

Green Impact
Want to have a sustainable impact on the VUB? Take direct action in your surroundings and get to know VUB staff at fun events through Green Impact. Together with some colleagues, you can also compete for a prize at the end of the academic year.
Are you interested or do you want more information? Feel free to contact the GreenTeam at greenteam@vub.be.
Green Hives
The GreenTeam sets up fun activities and takes action to make dorm life on the VUB campuses more sustainable. These activities contribute to the kotcoach's kotclash, a competition in which the student house with the most points gets a trophy and fun prize!

VUB Resto
The VUB Resto's sustainability efforts were awarded with the GoodFood label. The GreenTeam supports with campaigns and actions.
The team organises vegan cooking workshops and shares recipes to introduce students to delicious plant-based dishes.
Our sustainable catering list features the tastiest and most sustainable caterers in Brussels, including our own resto.

Winter market
On the annual winter market local, fair-trade, homemade, zero waste, second-hand and/or organic items are selled ahead of the festive season. Visitors can also warm themselves with a drink and the voices of the VUB choir.
VUB takes initiatives for nondisposable alternatives on our campuses. Thanks to VUB Foodsharing, there is also less food waste on campus
At VUB Geeft and in the Community pantry at the dorms, items can be reused.
In the VUB sorting guide you will discover how to sort correctly on the campuses.
Bike market
Is your bike too small or out of use? Do you want to buy a second hand bike and start cycling? Each year in April the GreenTeam VUB, CycloLokal and Les Ateliers de la Rue Voot organise a secondhand bicycle market on the VUB campus.

GreenTeam distributes bike kits with fluorescent equipment and bike maps for safe rides to campus and organises bike tours in Brussels.
Critical Mass
An enthusiastic group of the VUB cycle monthly with the Critical Mass Gatherings. Contact GreenTeam for more info!
GreenTeam has created a handy overview of tips and tricks for sustainable and affordable travel.

In March 2023, delicious herbs were planted in twenty homemade herb boxes. Everyone is welcome to come and pick herbs here. Please read the rules and regulations before picking herbs.
Living Campus Walk
Discover biodiversity and climate measures on the VUB Main Campus via the Living Campus Walk. Using QR codes, you will discover different spots that tell you how the VUB wants to keep the city liveable for people and nature.
Together with the VUB community, the GreenTeam rolls up its sleeves to carry out interventions that benefit biodiversity on campus such as planting trees and herbs, sowing flowers and hanging nesting boxes.
We also organise excursions to showcase the (bio)diversity of Brussels through, among others, an edible plants walk, kayaking with Canal It Up and a visit to CourJette and the orchard on the VUB Health Campus.
The GreenTeam informs about sustainability challenges and solutions. During Low Impact Weeks at the Resto, for example, lectures are held on the climate and health impact of food choices.

GreenTeam supports the CERL team, they work in a socially engaged and transdisciplinary way around the metropolitan challenges that Brussels faces today.
During the annual weKONEKT.week, GreenTeam takes a group of the community VUB on a discovery tour in Brussels.
Future Proef
The Future Proef Award is for all students whose thesis contributes to sustainability.
Who is who?
The GreenTeam consists of motivated job students with a heart for climate, environment and sustainability. Find out who is part of our team this year!
Patricia Fuchs is an international first year student from Germany, who studies social sciences. Sustainability and climate change has always been a topic for her the last few years, which motivated her to work for the Greenteam and to engage in sustainability projects wherever she can. She also likes to participate in political youth events, where she can exchange ideas concerning these topics. She hopes to encourage as much people to engage in environmental actions.
Daan Vandenberghe is a first year geography student, passionate climate activist and strives for a more just and livable world. Besides the Green Team, he is active in the Flemish Youth Council as a UN Youth Representative for Sustainable Development, in Greenpeace Youth and the scouts. Daan is looking forward to work on new bottom-up actions, events and sustainable solutions at our campus.
Oskar is een gedreven rechtenstudent met een passie voor sociale kwesties. Als voorzitter van de Mechelse jeugdraad zet hij zich vol enthousiasme in voor de belangen van de jongeren in Mechelen. Tijdens zijn uitwisseling in Colombia heeft hij waardevolle internationale ervaring opgedaan en werd hij geconfronteerd met schrijnende sociale ongelijkheid, wat zijn verlangen naar een rechtvaardigere wereld versterkte. Met GreenTeam streeft hij ernaar kwesties als klimaatverandering prominenter op de agenda te zetten en van de VUB een nog mooiere, groenere plek te maken voor iedereen.
Klara is an international student from Germany pursuing the Master's programme of Marine and Lacustrine Scienceand Management. As member of the Green Team, her goal is to make our university more sustainable and to increase the student’s knowledge on sustainability and environmental protection. She's excited to exchange ideas and share her interests in sustainability and environmental protection with like-minded students who are equally enthusiastic about safeguarding our planet.
Illy is an international student from Greece following a Bachelor’s program of Social & Political Sciences. She cares deeply about climate change and human rights. That’s why she is quite active when it comes to volunteering and protests. Other than that, she likes to spend her time travelling, mountain hiking, making videos, writing, reading books, meeting people from around the world.
Ashley is een bachelor student in de Social Sciences die niet alleen belang hecht aan de wereldproblemen, maar ook gelooft in de positieve verandering van onze wereld. Vooral op het gebied van milieuproblematiek en duurzaamheidsuitdagingen zet ze zich graag in voor die verandering, omdat ze er sterk van overtuigd is dat we deze kwesties alleen kunnen aanpakken door samen te werken. Dus samen met GreenTeam wil ze mensen om haar heen inspireren en stap voor stap helpen bij het bouwen van de toekomst die ze denkt dat iedereen verdient.
Alicia is a social sciences student that is dedicated about creating climate awareness whilst organizing fun events. The Greenteam for her is a place were people can be themselves and grow alongside each other to learn and inspire each other about climate awareness and sustainability. She enjoys organizing events with the fraternity in her free time, and teaches classes about cybersecurity for children on the weekends.