Meet inpirational scholars, authors, artists and other critical thinkers that reflect on the complexity and diversity of life

The impact of global and geopolitical crises on European societies is widely felt. Common reactions to these are a growing societal divide and a rise in anti-democratic positions. The public imaginary is rife with a rhetoric dominated by the erection of walls, the demarcation of territory and claims of ownership. Crushed between polarised camps are vulnerable members of our societies – and thus humanity itself. Individuals with their complex identities are categorised into groups whose belonging, right to existence even, is called into question.  

Campaign Image Ties That Bind Us

A counter-imaginary space to reductive binary thinking

Understanding the realities of diversity and change as given, the series 'Ties that Bind Us' seeks to create a platform for a wide range of perspectives, life experiences and cultures of knowledge about forms of kinship, solidarity and conviviality – or, in other words, a counter-imaginary space to an increasingly widespread, yet dangerously reductive binary thinking. 

At VUB, you're free to ask questions about everything, to make up your own mind and to change your mind. We invite you to join us in the Ties That Bind Us lectures, book readings, art performances and debates and to explore new perspectives on solidarity and diversity in a changing world. 

New names - save the dates

Next on the agenda of the Ties That Bind Us series:

  • 17 February 2025 - Manuelina Duarte - Brazilian museologist
  • March 2025 - Tim Ingold - social anthropologist
  • 6 May 2025 - Caryl Phillips – writer

Do you want to receive invitations for upcoming Ties That Bind Us events? 


The VUB scholars behind the series

The world needs you

This initiative is part of VUB's public programme: a programme for everyone who believes that scientific knowledge sharing, critical thinking and dialogue are an important first step to create impact in the world. 

As an Urban Engaged University, VUB aims to be a driver of change in the world. With our academic edcuational programmes and innovative research, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and to making a difference locally and globally.

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