Where does your purpose lie?
Some found it already. Others have had it since childhood. And still others, perhaps most, are still searching for it. Purpose. What you get up for. What you leave things for. What drives you, gives you energy, what you make others enthusiastic about.
Where dies your purpose lie? With People, Planet, Peace? With Prosperity, or Partnership? Five fields of action are inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Five domains in which you can dedicate yourself to a better world at the VUB.
Meet our academic coordinators
Karen Celis, ValΓ©ry Ann Jacobs, Waldo Galle, Alexander Mattelaer and Vincent Ginis. Five professors, but also five VUB staff members who, in their own field of expertise, are working hard to achieve a better world. So it is only fitting that they should be the enthusiastic driving forces behind the various projects and Ateliers of The World Needs you. Prepare to be inspired!
The living labs of The World Needs You
Each P does not just include projects. We also organise related 'Ateliers': co-creative workshops that you can join to discuss and carry out concrete actions around a specific P. All of this based on clear questions and in a nice environment. Fve Ateliers have already taken place, and new ones are in the pipeline. Why not join us next time?
Ideas of your own to improve the world?
By committing yourself to The World Needs You, you and other VUB students will find answers to vital questions. Do you have an initiative, plan or proposal that contributes to a better world? Or do you want to brainstorm with others about a current topic for an Atelier and look for solutions? Let us know via theworldneedsyou@vub.be or join existing projects.

Public programme: Reflect and Change
Change in the world starts with self-reflection and critical thinking, and now is the time to step back and engage in dialogue. As an Urban Engaged University, we encourage our students, academics and staff not only to act, but also to think critically. That is why we challenge you to participate in projects and activities from the Public programme. Let's reflect, think and take action together and contribute to positive change in the world.
Discover our podast series Rebels With A Cause
Mental health, gender equality, sustainability, fighting poverty and everything in between? It so happens that the VUB and its community lose sleep over these themes too. Rosanne Coetsier, also known as Rosie, got to explore them for us, in the podcastseries Rebels With A Cause, where she talks to young people and scientists about their experience and solutions that could change the world for the better.
Search for a project
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.