About the chair
The mission is to deliver scientific, economic and societal value for Luxembourg and beyond, by performing translational research and development related to movement and physical activity and particular in the fields of sports medicine, sports surgery and rehabilitation recognizing its value for transversal applications. The chair aims to generate new knowledge about movement and physical activity and its domains towards translation into preventing sports-related injuries, providing health benefits of physical activity across the lifespan and for all levels of sports practice. It wants to identify, develop and exploit evolving technologies and methods, including novel image (video), sensor, smart device, software or data science-based approaches towards achieving the mission.
The Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science (LIROMS) is a non-profit organization active in orthopedics, sports medicine and science in association with the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), a public biomedical research organization and the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), a public academic hospital.
Through and with the support of the VUB, a PhD (research) scholarship in the area of human movement, physical activity and its related health benefits will be offered. The study may include aspects of sports medicine, sports orthopedics, sports science and injury prevention, also with emphasis on digital methods including wearable sensors, devices, software/apps or machine learning techniques.
Additionally, a Luxembourg fellowship will be set up, offering the possibility to graduate in the area of sports science/physiotherapy science supported and promoted by the VUB. This will give great visibility to the Luxembourg scientific community.
Prof. dr. Bart Roelands
Prof. dr. Bart Roelands is a professor at the Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group of the faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He studies the interaction of physical and mental exertion on neurochemistry, physiology and performance in healthy and sick people.
Academic Coordinators
Prof. dr. Jan Cabri (Scientific Director, LIROMS) and Dr. Bernd Grimm (Scientific Collaborator, LIH).
Prof. Dr. Jan Cabri has a Bachelor (1982) and Masters (1984) degree in Physical Therapy. He received his PhD in Physical Therapy and Motor Rehabilitation Sciences in 1989 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). He was appointed associate professor in sports medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in 1992. From 1996 to 2009 he was a visiting professor at the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Human Kinetics (Portugal). From 2009 to 2014 he acted as the Head of the Department of Physical Performance at the Norwegian School of Sport and Physical Sciences (Norway) where he was a professor in biomechanics until 2019. Presently, he is the director of research at the Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine and Science and closely involved in the Laboratory of Human Motion.
Following his PhD in Biomedical Engineering and lectureship for Applied Mechanics at the University of Bath, UK, Dr. Grimm set up and directed the orthopaedic research foundation at the Zuyderland Medical Center, training hospital of Maastricht University, NL. As Senior Scientist at the Human Motion Institute, Munich, DE, affiliated with the Computational Medicine Department of the Technical University Munich (TUM) he focused on the development and validation of wearable devices and digital biomarkers as clinical trial outcomes. Now Dr. Grimm leads the transversal research platform “Human Motion, Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine, Digital Methods” at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) applying, developing and validating movement and physical activity derived clinical outcomes and digital biomarkers using lab-based, field-based and real-life methods. Dr. Grimm has developed, as a pioneer in the field wearable sensor applications for the measurement of human movement and physical activity, methods now used by various international universities and the topic of invited keynote lectures and symposia. Dr. Grimm has been past-president of the European Orthopaedic Research Society, EORS, acts as incoming president of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) and serves as an editorial board member for various journals such as the “Journal of Translational Orthopaedics” (JOT), “EFORT Open Reviews” (EOR) and “Medicine in Novel Technologies and Devices” (MEDNTD). Bernd Grimm (co-authored) >100 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and is the inventor on various patents and patent applications.
14-15/10/2022 2nd Sports Injury Prevention Symposium: https://reform-sportscimed.org/en/injury-prevention-in-sport-symposium/
19/11/2022 SYMPOSIUM SPORTKINE: What you always wanted to know about ankle injuries but were afraid to ask: https://liroms.lu/events/symposium-sportkine-what-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-ankle-injuries-but-were-afraid-to-ask