About the chair
This chair continues the former Railway Technology programme of VUB, ULB, and Infrabel. This is done at VUB, at ULB, and within the framework of the English-language Bruface programmes.
At VUB, the programme is part of the Master of Science in Engineering: Electromechanical Engineering, major in Vehicle Technology and Transport.
Fast forward to:
This training is supported by Infrabel and runs in cooperation with ULB.
- First year: the students follow the course Railways Infrastructure Technology. They can carry out their Master I project in cooperation with Infrabel in the field of railway technology.
- Second year: students can also come to Infrabel for their internship and graduation work.
- Graduates: they can easily start a career with the railway companies after this training.
- Students from the Energy specialisation of the same VUB course: they can also attend the lectures and company visits on electric traction for the course unit Railways Infrastructure Technology.

Prof. Dr. Philippe Lataire
The chairholder is Prof. Philippe Lataire. Philippe received his doctorate in applied sciences at VUB in 1982. He is a full-time professor in the field of Power Electronics, Automatic Control, and Electric Drives. His research is in the same field.