Computer rooms
Computer rooms on the VUB campuses
There are multiple computer rooms available for use on our campuses. Discover our offer in the overview below!

VUB Campus Etterbeek
Building Band building L - lokaal L219
Building K rooms K.3.71, K.3.73, K.3.75, K.3.76
Building E rooms E1.01 tot E1.05 + E1.07
VUB Campus Jette
Medical Library Building A, ground floor and 1st floor
Reserve your computer spot in the Medical Library
VUB Technology Campus (Anderlecht)
Library: block A - 1st floor
Computer rooms building B (Etterbeek)
The computer rooms of the Human Sciences are located in building B at the ground floor. In total there are 6 computer rooms.
B002 to B006
- B002, B003, B004 and B005A with 16 computers and 32 seats
- B005B with 22 computers and 42 seats
- B006 with 28 computers and 56 seats
Opening hours and access
These computer rooms are free to use when there are no educational activities taking place
- A schedule with reservations of the room is available next to each door.
- You can also check the occupation per room.
- The computer rooms are available from monday to friday, from 9:00AM-8:00PM.
- Surveillance in room 0B001A: from 9:00AM-12:00PM & 4:00PM-8:00PM.
People in charge - Rom 0B001: Michel Dedeyne & Ivan Wynant.
Login and applications
Log in with your VUB account and password.
The following applications are available on the computers:
- Microsoft Office Professional 2016
- Microsoft Project 2016
- Microsoft Visio 2016
- SPSS 25.0
- Geogebra
- Graphmatica
- MaxQDA
Disc space and backups
Your own diskspace
Your own diskspace is located on the Z-drive. 2GB diskspace is available for each user. At home, you can connect to your own diskspace here. Replace "username" with your own VUB account. After typing your password, the files on your Z-drive will be displayed.
Personal files should be saved on the Z-drive and not on your local desktop.
If problems arise with your personal profile, there is a chance that everything in this profile and therefore also on the desktop will be lost. The network administrator has the right to remove all personal files (documents, applications etc.) from your desktop.
Backups of files should be made by the student him/herself. For the files that are saved on the personal desktop of the user, there is no guarantee that these will remain there. The network administrator has the right to erase all files which are saved on the personal desktop of the user.
Printing in B100A
You can give your print command from each computer in the computer rooms. This command enters a print queue on a central print server. To print your print job, you should use the computer in the surveillance room (room B0.01A).
- in room B0.01A look for the computer where "Print Manager Plus Release Station" is displayed on the screen
- follow the instructions that are displayed above this computer to print your job.
A print job remains available on this computer for 3 hours.
Division 1: Use of the computer labs
- Sec. 1 The computers may only be used for work related to the education at the VUB.
- Sec. 2 The entrance to the computer labs is regulated by the assistant on duty.
- Sec. 3 The classes or reservations of the current week will be displayed next to the door of every computerroom. The users will consult this information before opening the door and entering the room. The user will leave the room at the start of a class when he or she is not following that class.
- Sec. 4 It is prohibited to copy any available software.
- Sec. 5 Students themselves are responsible for making safety copies of their data.
- Sec. 6 It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke in the computer labs. It is also forbidden to introduce drinks, food or smokers’ requisites for this purpose.
- Sec. 7 It is forbidden to move the computers. This means that the display must stay on top of the main module of the computer, the keyboard in front of this module. The screen may be tilted to be fitted to your eye-level. It is absolutely prohibited to move the main module.
- Sec. 8 The restrictions for some of the computer labs have to be accepted and followed by the users.
- Sec. 9 If the user encounters problems when using the computers, he/she has to mention these to the assistant on duty.
- Sec. 10 It is forbidden to move chairs from one computer room to the other.
Division 2: Assistance
- Sec. 11 The assistant on duty will be available in room B001a between 9.00 am and 12.00 am and between 4.00 pm and 8.00 pm. During holiday periods exceptions on this schedule can be made. This schedule will be on display next to the door of room B001a.
- Sec. 12 This permanency concerns problems with computers or with the network. The assistant on duty is not supposed to give personal courses about using computers.
Division 3: Use of the printer
- Sec. 13 The laser-printer may only be used for print-outs related to the education at the VUB. Personal print-outs are not allowed.
- Sec. 14 Only one copy of any document may be printed on the laser-printer. This printer is not to be used as a photocopying-machine.
Division 4: Final clauses
- Sec. 15 In case of violation of these regulations, sanctions can be taken in accordance with the regulations of discipline of the VUB.

Print and copy
On the VUB Main Campus in Etterbeek you can go to Crazy Copy Center for printing. Both libraries in Etterbeek and Jette also provide printing options. Find out all about that here.