Step 1. Get to know yourself
Self-awareness is the key to all wisdom, and the right choice of study! What are your passions, talents, hobbies and interests? What are your strengths and growth points? What dreams do you want to achieve? Ask these questions to people around you. What do your parents and grandparents think you should study? What do your friends think? These insights can help give you a sense of direction.
Step 2. Explore the higher educational landscape and the job market
Knowledge is power. Inform yourself well in advance about your different options. The website Onderwijskiezer.be gives you a great overview of the higher education landscape of Brussels and Flanders. You will discover, amongst other things, everything about the courses you can take at high school and university. Go through the list and select the courses that interest you, but also write down the ones that don't. Browse through brochures from various educational institutions about the courses that appeal to you. Read them at your own pace and compare the programmes with each other, asking yourself what the degree you're interested in can offer you in the future. In this manner, you will find out whether there is a match between a certain study programme and the professional future you desire.
Our study programmes Request our brochure Professions of the future
Step 3. Choose wisely
Infodays and Open Days
Are you starting to get an idea of what direction you want to go in? Don’t be too quick to decide, and take part in a SID-in, visit our campuses during open days, follow an online information session or join an open course day first. This way, you will find out whether a particular study programme or institution suits you. In case you have any questions, you can ask ask students, professors and alumni who have already discovered the professional job market.
Activities for prospective students
Advice from our study counsellors
If you still have doubts, you can also ask for advice from Study Guidance. This team of student psychologists, study counsellors and study path supervisors has a great deal of experience in helping future students with their study choice. They are happy to listen to your future plans and help you on your way, all free of charge.
Test your previous knowledge
To enrol for some programmes, you need a good grounding and profound basic knowledge of maths, physics and/or chemistry. Check here which subjects you need to have mastered before you can enrol. By means of sample questions and self-tests, you can immediately assess whether you need to brush up on certain things. That way, you will be well prepared before and when you start.
Doctors, beware!
Do you want to study Medicine? To do so, you must first pass the admission/entrance exam, and that is no easy task. Prepare for this properly via the online platform ikworddokter.be. There you will find the required prior knowledge, some preparatory courses, webinars and practice exams.