Lectures and study material
How to process all your course material and combine this with the extra info provided during the lectures?
Learn how to study
The best way to study for a subject depends on several factors: the method of examining, the material of the subject, the expectations of the professor, … In short, there’s no one-size-fits-all study method. It’s hence normal to find yourself not knowing/ questioning how to begin studying for a specific class. However, there are some steps everyone should take, you can find them in the infographics below.

Planning? You can do it!
Planning? You can do it too! A successful academic career starts with a good planning, balancing both study time and free time. Don't know how to start? Would you like some tips to optimize your planning? The infographics below will help you on your way.
How to make a good planning Stick to routine
Study breaksWeekly PlannerMonthly Planner
Semester Planner To do list
Do you easily get distracted? Do you find it difficult to start studying and keep your focus? Find some tips on enhancing your concentration and a specific timemanagement technique in the infographics below.

Studying mathematics or statistics
To some students the subjects mathematics or statistics seem like a real challenge. Do you also not know how to tackle these subjects? Does trying to grasp maths feels a bit like learning an impossible language? Below you can find some useful tips to help you on your way.
Academic writing
Academic writing can be an unexpected hurdle in your career at university. That is why you can always turn to the Academic Centre for Language Education (ACTO) for extra explanation, help or feedback. Check out our offer via this link or contact us at academisch.nederlands@vub.be.

As a university student you will occasionally have to give presentations or speak in front of an audience. Are you already sweating it out or do you have a few questions? Do you find it difficult to convey a message clearly to an audience? Then definitely check out these infographics below to prepare for your presentations as well as you can.
Papers, bachelor's and master's thesis
It may sound cliché but starting on time is essential to your writing process. Start the search for your topic timely and talk to your promotor as soon as possible. Do you wish some assistance in taking the first steps? These infographics help you on your way to a successful writing process.
Would you like to get some help and support with those first steps? The study advisors can help you. You will get more explanation on how to start, how best to structure your thesis and how to avoid plagiarism. You can also get advice on correct language use in an academic context. Be sure to check out the 'Writing a Bachelor's and Master's thesis' module in Study Guidance's Canvas course. Questions about language and formulation can also be addressed to the language coaches of the Academic Centre for Language Education (ACTO) and the University Library. A handy overview of that guidance can be found on the Academic Writing Canvas area (Dutch only).
Bachelor’s and Master’s Thesis Research Proposal Structuring and visualizing your academic text Scientific report

Depending on the professor and subject, the method of examination can vary greatly: written, oral, multiple choice, open questions... No matter which method is being used, a good preparation is key to success! Find out how to start preparing for your exams with the infographics below.
Working in group
Do you have a group assignment for a specific course? Some students may look forward to this, while others dread the stress that comes with it. Are you of the latter? Then read the tips to successful and stress-free teamwork in the infographics below.