2024 Winter school on EU policymaking

This Jean Monnet Winter School  provides participants with a ‘crash course’ in European Union Policy Making, is taught fully online. Its focus areas will be: digital rights and diplomacy, touching on discussions related to freedom of expression, data protection, disinformation resilience, and platform responsibility. 

The intensive interactive two-week course is held from Monday 5 - Friday 16 February 2024 and is organised by the Brussels School of Governance (VUB), the Diplomatische Akademie Wien — Vienna School of International Studies and the University of Vienna.  

More information on the content and how to apply

2024 Winter school Geo-CLIC - GEOinformation educational resources for CLImate Change Management

GeoCLIC is a Erasmus + project funded by the European Commission. The project’s overall aim is to increase analytic and professional skills among students and Life-Long Learners to improve their competencies in Climate Change Management (CCM) through use of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) tools online. Herein, GeoCLIC introduces the Work-based Learning approach to develop training projects and internships in areas impacted by Climate Change. 

This winter school will focus on technical training in GIS & RS for CCM; the theme is agriculture and climate. The five-day training will include the following tentative topics: (1) Introduction to the topic (CC impact on agriculture); (2) Review of databases needed for CCM in agriculture; (3) Monitoring agriculture using RS/GIS; (4) Applications and case studies; (5) Multiplier event. Technically the focus will be on remote sensing for evaluation on agricultural land use, and on soil erosion risk mapping.

The winter school will take place from 5-9 February 2024 at the University of Zagreb, with participants from Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), Wihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University of Zagreb (Croatia), the University of Nicosia (Cyprus), and VUB. 

To apply, please send a CV and short motivational letter by email to Jonathan.Chan@vub.be. 

More information on Geo-CLIC 

2024 Summer School on EU Policy Making

This Jean Monnet Summer School, taught on campus, allows students to explore both the old and the new centre of diplomacy in Europe. It is held one week in Brussels and one week in Vienna and provides a 'crash course' in European Union Policy Making. The focus area will be civil rights, touching on policy discussions related to human security, migration, anti-discrimination, diversity.

The intensive two-week course is held from Monday 1 - Friday 12 July 2024 and is organised by the Brussels School of Governance (VUB), the Diplomatische Akademie Wien — Vienna School of International Studies and the University of Vienna. 

More information and how to apply

Summer School on Digital Health Technologies: Law, Ethics & Regulatory Issues

This summer school is a collaboration between two EUTOPIA partners, the Health and Ageing Law Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Else Kröner  Fresenius Center for Digital Health of the Technische Universität Dresden. It aims to bring together legal scholars, medical practitioners, policy-makers, and industry experts to delve into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid evolution of health technologies. 

The summer school will be held in Brussels, at the U-Residence on the VUB campus, from 3-7 June 2024.

More information and how to apply

W.A.T.E.R. Workshop on Advanced measurement Techniques and Experimental Research

W.A.T.E.R.: Workshop on Advanced measurement Techniques and Experimental Research is a Summer School started in 2016 by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (www.vub.be/en) and in cooperation with the IAHR Experimental Methods and Instrumentation Committee (EMI) (www.iahr.org). This Summer School is focused on experimental methods applied in different hydraulics fields. It combines theoretical sessions and hands-on measurement exercises in the laboratory. It's aimed at PhD and Master students as well as practitioners who are willing to get training in advanced hydraulic measurement techniques. The course certificate will be awarded with 5 ECTS.

The 8th edition will be held at the iCube campus of the University of Strasbourg (France) from 1-5July 2024.

More information and how to apply

PHARM CARE Summer School 2024

This summer school addresses multple sustainable development goals of the United Nations. In addressing SDG3 (Good Health & Well being), the project aims to enhance first line healthcare professionals' knowledge and skills in managing infectious diseasesas like tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV.  There will be a specific focus on management in precarious situations (e.g. migrants or vulnerable groups) and the role that first line HCPs can play. The acquired skills will directly benefit the health and well-being of patients, as well as their immediate environment.  It will provide practical soluti9ons for first line healthcare workers, and a forum for networking and interdisciplinary collaboration. The language of the event is English. Participation is free and there will be accreditation for Belgian physicians. The summer school is organised with support from VLIR-UOS.

The summer school will take place at the VUB Health Campus in Jette (Auditorium Brauwer) from 24-25 July 2024.

More information and how to apply