2025 Summer Schools of EUTOPIA partners
Each year, the partner universities of EUTOPIA, offer a wide range of Summer & Winter schools, often also open for international students. Check the link below for more information from across the 10 partner universities
W.A.T.E.R. Summer School 2025
W.A.T.E.R.: Workshop on Advanced measurement Techniques and Experimental Research is a Summer School started in 2016 by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (www.vub.be/en) and the IAHR Experimental Methods and Instrumentation Committee (EMI) (www.iahr.org). The 9th edition will be held in the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN), from September 1 to September 5, 2025. This Summer School is focused on experimental methods applied in different hydraulics fields. It combines theoretical sessions and hands-on measurement exercises in the laboratory. It is aimed at PhD and Master students as well as practitioners who are willing to get training in advanced hydraulic measurement techniques.
Audience: master and PhD students, as well as practitioners
Timing: 1-5 September 2025.
Location: Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN)
GAP Days Spring 2025
The GAP Days are meetings where developers and users with GAP programming experience are invited to discuss, influence, and contribute to the future development of GAP. The focus of the meetings is on development, but the meetings offer particularly good opportunities for people to work on their packages. This year it will be organised on the VUB campus and will include a number of mini-courses on a diverse ragene of mathematical topics, including some from group theory, algebra, and discrete mathematics. A mini course consists of hours of lecture and three hours of guided exercises (in GAP).
Audience: master and PhD students in mathematics.
Timing: 7-11 April 2025.
Location: VUB Campus, Brussels
2025 Summer school on EU policy-making
This Jean Monnet Summer School (5 ECTS), taught on campus, allows students to explore both the old and the new centre of diplomacy in Europe. It is held one week in Brussels and one week in Vienna and provides a 'crash course' in European Union Policy Making. The focus area will be civil rights, touching on policy discussions related to human security, migration, anti-discrimination, and diversity.
The intensive two-week programme is held from Monday 30 June - Friday 11 July 2025 and is organised by the Brussels School of Governance (VUB), and the Diplomatische Akademie Wien — Vienna School of International Studies.
The application deadline is 28 April. Early-bird discount (10%) available if you submit your application before 15 March.
Exclusive offer for VUB and EUTOPIA students: €500 discount, meaning tuition fee is €1,400