Profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition - 2 Languages
In order to complete the master’s programme (60 ECTS), students need to take:
1. Compulsory courses (24 ECTS): the master's thesis (18 ECTS), the research methodology course (3 ECTS) and the course “Linguistics and Literary Studies in Brussels” (3 ECTS).
2. Language-related courses (12 ECTS): Students choose courses for 6 ECTS in their first selected language, and 6 ECTS in their second selected language.
3. Profile-related courses (24 ECTS): Students choose the courses in their selected profile.
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies - Profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition - 2 Languages
Compulsory courses (24 ECTS)
Language-related courses (12 ECTS)
You choose courses for 12 ECTS (6 ECTS for each language) in your chosen languages out of the following options:
Profile-related courses (24 ECTS)
You can choose courses for 24 ECTS out of the following options:
More optional courses (inter-university exchange)
Several programmes of our sister university Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) are offering their courses to students of the Multilingual Master in Linguistics and Literary Studies within the framework of the Brussels University Alliance (https://www.ulb-vub.be/en/homepage). Consult the list of courses available in the 2024-2025 academic year below.
Among the available ULB courses, you may only register one (6 ECTS); the course must match your profile. You cannot register exchange courses yourself — this is handled by our faculty secretariat. Request that an exchange course be registered for you by sending an email to faclw@vub.be before September 30, 2024, with the following details:
- Your first name
- Your family name
- Your VUB student number
- Your email address
- The ULB course ID of the class you want to take
Profiles: “Linguistics”, “Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition”, Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics” |
ULB course ID | ULB course title |
GERM-B470* | Working with spoken discourse |
EN |
2 |
GERM-B555* | Topics in linguistics |
EN |
1 |
ROMA-B440* | Questions approfondies de sociolinguistique de l'espagnol |
ES |
2 |
ROMA-B460* | Linguistique italienne |
IT |
1 |
ROMA-B480* | Etude approfondie de la langue italienne écrite et parlée |
IT |
2 |
GERM-B435* | Stedelijke meertaligheid |
NL |
1 |
GERM-B515* | Taal en cultuur van het Nederlandse taalgebied |
NL |
2 |