Default track
Brussels track (VUB): 'Professional experience: Internship' of 18 ECTS or the 'Thesis' of 18 ECTS.
Shanghai track (Shanghai University for International Business and Economics - SUIBE). Students have a choice of 18 ECTS between the following courses: 'WTO and China', 'Chinese Investment Law', 'Chinese Trade Law', 'Chinese Intellectual Property Rights Protection', 'Chinese Competition Policy' or 'Seminar on Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. Additional fees and conditions apply.
Washington D.C. track (The Institute of World Politics - IWP). Students have a choice of 18 ECTS between the following courses: 'Crisis Management and Decision making', 'Political Risk Analysis and Forecasting', 'Challenges in the Emerging Geo-Political landscape', 'International Challenges of the Public -Private Partnership in the Cyber Domain', 'Corporate Statecraft', 'Economic Statecraft', 'The Art of Diplomacy', 'Trans-Atlantic Competitiveness & Western Prosperity'. Additional fees and conditions apply.