Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Erasmus Mundus, start in Brussels)
This study track is composed as follows:
Semester 1: Basic and specialised introductory courses
Semester 2: In situ experience and specialised field courses
Semester 3: In-depth specialisation semester
Semester 4: Joint master's thesis
In the first semester, students start at the VUB/ULB to acquire similar competences. In the second semester, field experience and courses will take place in a university in a non-EU country. The third semester will cover a specialisation in a European university, different from the first one. Courses vary this semester. In the fourth semester, students return to where they started out for their thesis research.
Provided agreement by the inter-university jury the student can choose in each semester optional courses outside the proposed courses, but accepting the risk of overlapping schedules.
Master of Science in Biology: Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Semester 1: Basic and specialised introductory courses - VUB/ULB Brussels
Compulsory courses (Brussels Courses)
Electives (Brussels Courses)
You choose a total of 15 credits of courses from the following options:
Semester 2: In situ experience and specialised field courses
During the second semester in situ field experience and courses will take place in one of the universities in the south with their specific expertises.
The courses heavily depend on the regional and geographic settings of the third-country Higher Education Institutes in the south, which in part shapes the specialisation of the student.
Field school
You select one of the following options (depending on the tropimundo trajectory)
Semester 3: In-depth specialisation semester
The Sorbonne Université, Paris (SU) and the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN)
Florence: UniversitĂ degli Studi di Firenze
Optional (at least 12 ECTS)
Université de la Guyane