Jóhanna Kristbjörg SIGURÐARDÓTTIR (°1982, Reykjavík, Ijsland)
Title: J-board
Year: 2021
Material: metal, wood, paint, posters
Dimensions: 250 x 193.2 cm
The open-air sculpture J-board consists of a metal construction representing a blackboard. It appears to refer to the lost tradition of announcing information ad valvas - on notice boards - at universities. Announcements, class schedules and exam results used to be posted on notice boards at the faculties. One side of the sculpture features a permanent work of art by Sigurðardóttir: a thoughtful composition of coloured shapes reminiscent of the surrounding architecture on campus.
On the other side, the artist placed two A0-sized posters. A notice board is a democratic channel to share messages - anonymously or otherwise - with passers-by. It puts pamphlets in the spotlight as a means of communication, symbolising the activist attitude of VUB students past and present. The paper layers multiply every time the posters are pasted over, yet they slowly disintegrate over time.
This visual poetry work demands that the viewers create meaning - and that meaning differs for each and every one of them, resulting in their very own visual poetry.
Plan your visit
The Humanist Sculpture Park is open 24/7 and can be visited free of charge.
Parking is available and the area is wheelchair-accessible.
VUB Main Campus
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Information about the sculptures
Each sculpture is accompanied by a QR code that gives access to an audio fragment. You can play it on your smartphone to discover the stories behind the sculptures. We recommend that you bring headphones for a more comfortable audio experience.