The Brubotics Rehabilitation Research Center (BRRC) is a state-of-the-art, interdisciplinary human movement analysis lab (including 14 Vicon mocap cameras, 3 build-in AMTI force plates, a 16-channel Cometa EMG device and a MetaMax 3B gas analysis system) focusing on robotic and technology-supported rehabilitation research.
In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging
The In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging (ICMI) Core Facility is specialized in nuclear and optical imaging of small animals. The lab is equipped with a myriad of multi-modality cameras and ex vivo analysis techniques to study tracer biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, dosimetry, and therapeutic efficacy of radiopharmaceuticals. The lab is situated in a biosafety level 2 environment with direct access to the Animalarium.

Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FlowCore) has a variety of Flow Cytometry instruments of which users can be trained to use these instruments correctly to analyse and/or sort biological materials.
Materials Characterisation
The Materials Characterisation facility provides a collection of analytical tools, that makes the characterization possible of all types of materials. These techniques provide insights from the macro- to the nanoscale, focusing on bulk and individual phases as well as surface properties and compositional mapping at high-resolution.

MICROLAB is a 300 m² class 100 cleanroom dedicated to advanced microfabrication of glass and silicon for microfluidics. It is an open access facility supporting both the research community and industry in the development of microfluidic devices for medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications.
Support for Quantitative and Qualitative Research
SQUARE provides complementary support in statistics and methodology (both qualitative and quantitative) to our research community, for both individual researchers and research groups, in order to get the best out of their research. SQUARE aims to further enhance the quality of both the research and how it is communicated.

The Animalarium oversees the housing, care and management of animals used in research.
Visual and Spatial Tissue Analysis
The VSTA core facility offers in situ detection of DNA aberrations, multiplex RNA expression, point mutations (DNA/RNA/Basescope) and multiplex protein expression (immunostaining, Ultivue) with whole-slide imaging (brightfield/fluorescence) and advanced digital image analysis.

The Social Study (TSS)
The Social Study (TSS) is an advanced data infrastructure co-owned by all Belgian universities and intended to boost and integrate interdisciplinary research in behavioral and social sciences. The panel consists of 4,000 randomly selected Belgian citizens. TSS fields a yearly core questionnaire to collect basic information (e.g., economic situation, household composition, work, social and political attitudes, health) on all panelists. For the remaining questionnaire, researchers from all fields can apply to field their surveys. The infrastructure generates new opportunities for longitudinal analyses, interdisciplinary research, experimental research designs and linking collected data to administrative and context data.
Brussels Digital Text Lab
The Brussels Digital Text Lab (B-TXT) clusters and consolidates existing expertise at the VUB to support researchers in the social sciences and humanities and beyond in a) collecting digital, textual research data, b) analyzing digital corpora, and c) archiving and preserving research data and results.

HUMan and ArtIficial miNds and bodIEs
The core facility Humanise (HUMan and ArtIficial miNdS and bodIEs) aims to make available expertise, experimental rooms and equipment for research on the human mind (i.e., human neurosciences) and bodies (human physiology and sleep). This allows sharing and integration of expertise on methodology and use of advanced equipment, leading to integrated research using different approaches from different perspectives and disciplines.